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词汇 二战
例句 For my parents my arrival came as a surprise and coincident with the end of World War II.对我父母来说,我的降生是个惊喜,而且正好二战结束了。The country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the Second World War.该国目前正处在二战以来最萧条动荡的时期。During the Second World War, he was drafted into the US Army.二战期间,他应征加入了美国陆军。The Second World War started in the most disadvantageous possible way for the western powers.二战爆发时西方列强处境极为不利。The country is facing a crisis unparalleled since the Second World War.该国正面临着一场二战以来前所未有的危机。Although disabled by polio during the Second World War, Proctor was also a first-rate helmsman.二战期间尽管身患小儿麻痹症,普罗克特仍不失为一流的舵手。During the Second World War the area was used for gunnery practice.二战期间,该地区被用来操练火炮射击。I know that you led a rifle platoon during the Second World War.我知道你在二战期间率领一个步枪排。They fought in North Africa during World War II.二战时他们在北非作战。It had been built as a sanctuary from World War II bombs.这是二战时为躲避轰炸而建的。People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.我们这一代经历过二战的人都真切地记得当时的迷惘和无助。He does feel angry about the ministry gagging the information about the Holocaust.他对政府部门封锁关于二战期间纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀的消息感到非常气愤。Millions of Jewish people were exterminated in concentration camps in the Second World War.二战期间,数百万犹太人在集中营被集体屠杀。After WWII he made a pact with the USA for military bases in Spain.二战后,他与美国签署协定在西班牙境内设立美军基地。Today we commemorate the end of the Second World War.今天我们纪念二战的结束。The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war.这些岛屿是在二战末期被苏联军队占领的。There was a baby boom in the UK and the US after the Second World War.二战后,英国和美国都出现了一次生育高峰。The group claims that billions of dollars in property and bank accounts was confiscated from Jewish businessmen in the Second World War.该组织称二战期间犹太商人被没收了上百亿美元的财产和银行存款。Iwo Jima was for many the climactic battle of World War II.对许多人来说硫磺岛之战是二战的高潮之战。The palace, which was damaged by bombs in World War II, still stood.二战中遭到轰炸的那座宫殿依然矗立着。After the Second World War lots of prefabs were put up to ease the housing crisis.二战后,为缓解住房紧张搭起了许多活动房屋。Anne Frank was a famous diarist of the Second World War.安妮‧弗兰克是著名的二战日记作者。I can't believe he had the neck to go to the D Day service.我难以相信他竟敢厚着脸皮去参加二战反攻日纪念仪式。During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command.二战期间他在英国皇家空军海防总队服役。Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II.凯勒的处女作写的是一名朝鲜妇女在二战期间被卖作妓女的故事。Inflation has been a persistent problem since World War II.二战后,通货膨胀问题一直存在。




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