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词汇 事情进展
例句 Things were going along fairly well.事情进展十分顺利。It was obvious that things weren't working out.显而易见,事情进展不顺利。We'll have to see how things pan out. 我们要看看事情进展如何。My general impression was that things were going well.我的总体印象是事情进展顺利。After this, the pace of events quickened measurably.从此以后,事情进展的速度明显加快了。Things haven't been going very well here, I'm afraid.恐怕这里的事情进展不是太顺。We had some problems at first, but now things are going just great.刚开始我们有些困难,但现在事情进展很顺利。He asked me how things were going.他问我事情进展如何。Things are not going well.事情进展不顺利。The way things are going, I should be finished by next week.从现在事情进展的情况来看,我下周就会完成。When things aren't going well, he encourages me.事情进展不顺利时,他会给我打气鼓劲。Things have been going very well recently. Or they were, until two days ago.近来事情进展得一直都很顺利。或者说,直到两天以前还一直很顺利。From now on events moved reasonably quickly.从此事情进展得相当快。When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.事情进展不顺的时候,他鼓励我说不要放弃。Things moved quickly once the contract was signed.合同一签,事情进展就很快了。Things are moving painfully slowly.事情进展奇慢无比。I wasn't there, but apparently it went well.我当时不在,但是据说事情进展顺利。It was rough going for a while.有一段时间事情进展得不顺利。Things moved quickly once we had agreed a price on the house.我们一旦就房价达成一致,事情进展就快了。




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