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词汇 事发
例句 He cravenly fled from the scene.他怯懦地逃离了事发现场。Just stay on the ball so it doesn't happen again.你要保持警惕,别再让这种事发生。If you'd done what I'd said, none of this would have happened.要是你照我说的话去做了,根本就不会有这种事发生。Something was going on around a bed in the centre of the ward, but it had been curtained off from prying eyes.病房中央的病床周围有事发生,但是一条布帘挡住了众人窥探的眼睛。He lost his job after he sent an indiscreet e-mail to work friends.他因为向关系不错的同事发了一封轻率的邮件而丢掉了工作。It happened during the war when life was cheap.事发生在生命无足轻重的战争期间。It happened somewhere in the 18th century.事发生在十八世纪某个时候。It happened about 5 o'clock in the morning.事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候。The police railed off the area where the accident happened.警察用围栏把事发现场隔开。It is the immediacy of events which makes the Internet so popular.事发即知使因特网如此受大众欢迎。Are we prepared to let this happen under our own roofs?我们怎能让这种事发生在自己的家里? If there was one thing she couldn't face in the morning it was her mother on the warpath.如果说早上有一件事让她无法面对的话,那就是她母亲挑事发火。There's always some shit going on.总有恶心的事发生。Always there are leakages in time of war.在战时经常会有走漏消息的事发生。There was only a million-to-one chance of it happening.这种事发生的几率只有百万分之一。An inspector was sent to the scene of the incident.一名检查员被派到了事发现场。To start with, where and when did it happen?首先,这事发生在何时何地?I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.即使是我的死对头,我也不希望那样的事发生在他身上。It happened suddenly and without warning.事发突然,毫无征兆。He seemed confused until he twigged that something was going on.他似乎有些困惑,然后突然明白了有事发生。He immediately fired off an angry letter to his ministry colleagues.他立即给部里的同事发了一封怒气冲冲的信。My worst fears were realised when I saw what was on the exam paper.当我看见试卷上的内容时,我最害怕的事发生了。It happened in the sixties.事发生在六十年代。In retrospect, we should never have allowed that to happen.现在回想起来,我们当时真不应该任由那事发生。It happened far back in the past.事发生在久远的过去。The chance of its happening was vanishingly small.这种事发生的几率可以忽略不计。There's going to be a public meeting, so I think I'll go along and see what's happening.有一个公众集会要召开,所以我想我要过去看看有什么事发生。It happened not long after he graduated from college.事发生在他大学毕业后不久。Something terrible has happened.可怕的事发生了。The old woman often gets angry about trivial things.老太太常因琐屑小事发火。It happened a couple of days ago. 事发生在两天前。Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.事发后不久,朱莉就被勒令停职了。It was irresponsible of the school to allow this to happen in the first place.首先是学校不负责任,才会让这种事发生。The unthinkable had happened - his secret activities had been discovered by the press.难以想象的事发生了——他的秘密活动被新闻界发现了。Not much has been happening on the political front.政界没什么事发生。Has anything out of the ordinary happened?有没有什么不同寻常的事发生?The police wouldn't let us get anywhere near the accident scene.警察不允许我们靠近事发现场。Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.必须杜绝任何不道德的事发生。We were close to when it happened.事发生时我们就在近旁。There is no need to get up in arms over such a trifle.没有必要为这样的小事发火。




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