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词汇 事先
例句 It won't do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience.对这么多听众演讲,事先不准备仅靠一时的灵感是不行的。The event received little advance publicity.这个活动事先几乎没有宣传。Well, I reflected, I couldn't say I hadn't been warned.嗯,我想,我可不能说没有事先得到警告。The answers they gave were programmed.他们所作的回答是事先布置好了的。He read a prepared text of greeting.他宣读了一篇事先写好的欢迎辞。Some prior experience with the software is needed.要求事先熟悉这个软件。The wall caved in without the slightest warning.事先大家毫无察觉的情况下墙塌了。We reserve the right to eject without notice any objectionable person.我们对不受欢迎的人保留事先不予告知加以驱逐的权利。The enemy had been forewarned.敌人已事先得到警告。The complete reversal of this policy was unheralded.事先没有听到一点儿风声要彻底推翻这项政策。They gave no advance notice that they were moving. 他们搬家时没有事先告诉任何人。She was transferred without notice.事先没接到通知就被调走了。I had no foreknowledge of what he might say.他可能说些什么我事先一无所知。It nettles him that his younger coworker got a promotion before he did.比他年轻的同事先于他获得晋升,这让他感到恼火。He had been primed to say nothing about it.有人事先关照过他叫他什么也别说。Much advance publicity was given to the talks.事先对会谈做了大量的宣传。Everything is in the bag! It's all a frame-up!一切都是事先做好的圈套! 完全是诬陷!The killer, whoever he was, had it all worked out.不管凶手是谁,他都是事先精心准备过的。Did it happen by accident or by design?这件事是意外还是事先设计好的?The result of that race was fixed.那场赛跑的胜负是事先安排好的。The play opened with no heraldry to speak of.那出戏事先未作什么宣传就上演了。They capitulated on agreed conditions.他们按照事先谈妥的条件投降了。I know, I know, I should have had the car checked out before now.我知道,我知道,我应该事先把汽车检查一下的。With a bit of forward planning we make sure your budget goes as far as possible.事先稍作打算,我们可以保证让你的预算尽量发挥作用。He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest.他声称自己事先并不知道这次抗议的事。These words were uttered spontaneously, without premeditation.这些话都是不假思索随口说出来的,没有经过事先斟酌。His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.他讲的笑话似乎是即兴的,但实际上是事先精心准备好的。They like this approach because it fits in with their own preconceptions.他们喜欢这一方法,因为它与他们事先的想法一致。Vegetarian meals are provided by prior agreement.通过事先安排可提供素餐。He read from a scripted speech and refused to answer any questions at all at the end of it.他照着事先写好的演讲稿念,在最后的时候拒绝回答任何问题。He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.他想与他的同事先商议一下再作出决定。The programme started off with scripted dialogue on tape.节目以事先按搞子录制的对话开始。I'm sorry, but we have a prior commitment and can't come tonight.很抱歉,我们有一个事先承诺,今晚无法来了。The primaries were made-to-order for him.初选像是按事先计划为他安排好了似的。Alex had done this without consulting her.亚历克斯事先没有跟她商量就做了这件事。The curriculum must be preplanned.课程设置必须事先计划好。You should call in advance to make an appointment.你应该事先打电话预约。The branch fell without the slightest warning.树枝掉落,事先人们一无觉察。The officer hadn't gone through established military channels about his accepting private invitations.这位军官接受私人邀请,事先未通过军方规定程序办理请示手续。She is preinclined to accept his apology.事先就已有意接受他的道歉。




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