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There have been some cases of women employees being fired because they are pregnant.女性雇员因为怀孕被解雇这种事例已经有过几次了。Such unexplained pregnancies have happened before. I need hardly mention the most notorious case.此类不明原因的怀孕之前曾发生过。我就不用提那个最有名的事例了吧。I will use one recent example as an illustration.我举一个新近发生的事例来作说明。Her example helped to guide me toward a career in medicine.她的事例引导我进入了医学界。That was true in all three cases. 三个事例都符合那种情况。Cases of child cruelty occur more often than they are observed.虐待儿童的事例实际发生的比看到的要多。He sketched in a few more facts about the case.他为这一事例提供了更多一些事实。She cited cases in which women had received inferior healthcare.她引用了一些妇女得到低劣保健服务的事例。Kennedy had no time for lost causes or famous failures, no patience with dreamers or liberal utopians.肯尼迪无暇在那些毫无前途的事业或出了名的失败事例上劳神费心,也没有耐心去应付梦想家或自由主义空想家。The case highlights the need for adequate controls on such experiments.这一事例吸引人们关注对这类试验实施适当控制的必要性。I have known cases where dogs have nipped babies.我知道一些狗咬婴儿的事例。This case is representative of the attitudes of the police.这个事例典型地反映了警方的态度。Another instance of Charles's outspokenness was his attack on his sister's choice of husband.查尔斯心直口快的另一个事例是,他抨击妹妹择错了夫婿。They came across many instances of discrimination.他们遇到很多歧视的事例。She said this kind of occurrence is common, and she quoted several instances of almost identical behavior.她说这种情况很常见,还举出了好几个行为几乎完全相同的事例。There have been documented cases of officials accepting bribes.有很多记录在案的官员受贿的事例。There are innumerable examples of his generous nature.关于他慷慨豪爽的性情可以列举出无数的事例。I do not recommend that you follow this example.我建议你不要效仿这个事例。These cases point up the complete incompetence of some government departments.这些事例清楚地表明某些政府部门十分无能。Inspired by her example, other zoologists have begun working with apes in the wild.受她的事例的激励,其他动物学家开始了对野生大猩猩的研究。Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging.这两个事例都增加了反对绞刑观点的说服力。Instead of staying in the here and now, you bring up similar instances from the past.你没有紧扣眼前所发生的事,而是只提出了一些过去的类似事例。Adams said the successes were a vindication of the peace process.亚当斯说这些成功事例证明了和平进程的正确性。We have seen too many instances in which poor families have had to leave their homes.我们已看到太多穷困家庭不得不背井离乡的事例。The inquiry has uncovered numerous examples of racism.该项调查发现多起种族歧视的事例。 |