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Now she's frightened to go out at night, which is hardly surprising after what happened to her.现在她害怕夜里外出,发生了那件事之后,也难怪她会这样。The meals are pretty poor but then they never use fresh ingredients - garbage in, garbage out.这饭真难吃,因为他们从来不用新鲜材料——也难怪,垃圾进,垃圾出。He slammed the door and stormed off. I could hardly blame him.他砰的一声关上门,气呼呼地走了。也难怪他会这么做。It may have been a joke, but you can't blame the women in the department for being angry.那也许算是个玩笑,可是也难怪部门里的女性生气。 |