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词汇 break
例句 A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts.对腰果过敏的人吃了这些坚果后身上可能会出疹子。A reviewer can make or break a book.书评家能够决定一部著作的成败。There'll be ructions if you break that glass.如果你打碎那块玻璃,你就会有大麻烦了。Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.追悼仪式已变得冗长乏味、毫无新意,我想为打破这种既有模式做点什么。She suspected that she had cancer, and that the doctors were trying to break it to her gradually.她怀疑自己得了癌症,并怀疑医生想慢慢把这消息告诉她。My wife has tried to break me of the smoking habit.我妻子试过让我戒掉抽烟的习惯。For one anxious moment, I thought the rope was going to break.有一阵子我非常担心,以为那根绳就要断了。The semester break had begun.期中假期已经开始。The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀。We need to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the inner cities.我们需要打破旧城区里贫困和犯罪的恶性循环。If you force the zip, it'll break.如果你使劲拉拉链,会拉坏的。Sometimes it is necessary to break family ties in order to protect the child.有时候为了保护孩子必须切断他和家人的联系。The library is unique and its break-up would be a sad reflection on the value we place on our heritage.这个图书馆很特别,若将它关闭,会让人怀疑我们是否珍视传统。In general, my view is that politicians who break the law should be punished.一般情况下,我认为政客违法应受到惩罚。We're going to break for lunch very shortly.我们很快就可以去休息吃午饭了。He was wondering how to break it to Celeste that their relationship was over.他不知道怎样告诉西莉斯特他俩的关系已经完了。If you strain the elastic any more, it will break.橡皮筋再拉就要断了。The party didn't break up until after midnight.聚会到半夜以后才结束。I knew that if I didn't make a clean break with Victor I should be filled with regrets for the rest of my life.我知道如果我不和维克托一刀两断,那我会后悔一辈子的。The talks didn't break up until after midnight.会谈午夜后才结束。When they first started, they said they were going to break the mould of British politics.刚开始时他们说他们将打破英国政治的原有格局。Someone suggested that we play a party game to break the ice.有人建议我们玩一个集体游戏来打破沉默。I break out in a rash if I eat shellfish.我一吃贝类就会出皮疹。Onlookers jumped in to break up the fight.旁观者很快围拢过来制止这场打斗。The police had to break up yesterday's animal rights demonstration.警方不得不驱散昨天的动物权利游行。I really want to avoid having to break into the money I was saving for college.我实在不想动用我为上大学而存的钱。Your promises would carry more weight if you didn't break them so often.要是你不那么经常言而无信,你的承诺可能更有分量些。It's quite a bad break, which will take several months to heal.骨折很严重,需要好几个月才能痊愈。The team's performance faltered badly after the break.中场休息后该队的表现严重下滑。The handle is liable to break.这个把手很容易断裂。Britain appears unlikely to break ranks with other members of the European Union.英国看起来不会与欧盟的其他成员反目。Someone could lean too hard and cause them to break into pieces.如果有人用力倚靠,会把它们压成碎片的。It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone house where she'd lived for so long.这栋可爱的石结构老房子她住了那么久,要她离开会使她很伤心。Under the new regulations, coach drivers must take a break every four hours.按新规定,长途汽车驾驶员必须每四小时休息一下。I didn't know how to break it to her.我不知道如何把这件事告诉她。Don't break your neck on the work; you have plenty of time.你不用那么拼命地工作;有的是时间。They are currently taking a short break in Spain.他们目前正在西班牙休短假。If you break it you'll have to pay for it out of your allowance.如果你打碎了它,你得用你的津贴来赔偿。Recognition by this organization can make or break a career.被这一组织承认可能成就事业,也可能毁了事业。The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year.那家航空公司希望明年实现收支相抵,在随后一年重新盈利。




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