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I'm in a real jam. I've got an important meeting at nine and the car won't start.我麻烦大了。我九点钟有个重要的会议,但是这车却发动不了。My usual bedtime is nine o'clock.我通常九点钟上床睡觉。The children go to bed at nine (o'clock).小孩们九点钟上床睡觉。At nine o'clock she dragged herself to the office.九点钟时她拖着疲惫的身子来到办公室。We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.我们九点钟结束了会议。The antique clock says 9 o'clock.古董钟显示现在是九点钟。The meeting is arranged for 9 o'clock.会议安排在九点钟。 |