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词汇 乘务员
例句 Brian, an air steward, shot to fame on the television show 'Big Brother'.布赖恩,一名飞机乘务员,在电视节目《老大哥》中一举成名。He was arrested for assaulting a bus conductor.他因为袭击公交乘务员而被捕。The flight attendant told the passengers to fasten their lap belts.飞机乘务员要乘客们系好安全带。The flight attendant asked everyone to belt himself in.班机乘务员要求大家扣好安全带。The passengers were led onto/aboard the ship by the steward.乘客们在乘务员的引领下登船。Unaccompanied children are well looked after by the cabin crew.无人陪伴的儿童得到了机组乘务员的精心照料。On the plane, the flight attendant brings you a towelette after your meal.在飞机上,你用餐完毕乘务员会给你一张湿餐巾纸。To my amazement the stewards took no action against Richard.使我大为惊奇的是,乘务员们没有起诉理查德。The cabin staff are at your service throughout the flight.飞行期间客舱乘务员随时为您服务。Please present your boarding pass to the flight attendant.请向乘务员出示你的登机牌。They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward.他们还声称保安人员将一位乘务员推搡至一边。The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.乘务员迎候我们登机。The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around.乘务员制作了徽章,这样它们就不会从车厢上脱落下来,也不会被传来传去。Don't unbuckle your seat belt until the flight attendant says it is safe to move around the cabin.乘务员告知可以在机舱内活动时,再解开安全带。The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car.乘务员的徽章经特别制作,在车厢上不会脱落。In a fateful coincidence, the flight attendant just happens to have been the best friend of Jake's dead former girlfriend.那位空中乘务员碰巧是杰克已故前女友最好的朋友,这是个命中注定的巧合。The crew-members were Syrians.乘务员是叙利亚人。The flight attendant asked to see my boarding pass.飞机乘务员要看我的登机牌。




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