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词汇 乔伊
例句 I must remember to post Joey's birthday card.我一定要记住给乔伊寄生日贺卡。Well, who'd have thought Joey was going to become so successful?谁会想到乔伊会变得如此成功?This audition is a big deal for Joey.这次试演对乔伊来说是一件大事。We'll have to work on Joey to find out what's going on.我们必须努力从乔伊那里弄清楚发生了什么事。Why did you run off like that? Was Joey nasty to you?你为什么逃得那么快?乔伊欺负你了吗?A letter from the school arrived, saying that Joey had been both disobedient and disrespectful.收到一封学校寄来的信,信上说乔伊既不守校规,又不尊敬师长。The only time we use the VCR is when they bring Joey to our house.我们只是在他们把乔伊带到我们家里来的时候才用录像机。My father was always disappointed that Joey didn't follow in his footsteps and take over the farm.我父亲一直感到失望,因为乔伊没有继承他的事业接管农场。Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan.乔伊丝·布赖特是《星际迷航》的狂热粉丝。Alan recounted how he and Joyce had met.艾伦讲述了他和乔伊丝的认识经过。The car was covered in rust and Joey had to scrape it off with a knife.汽车外面都生了锈,乔伊不得不用刀把锈刮掉。Joyce did her best to comfort him, assuring him that it was not his fault.乔伊丝竭尽全力安慰他,使他放心,相信这不是他的错。Joyce sits with her fingers interlocked under her chin.乔伊丝坐在那里,十指相扣撑着下巴。You've done a fine job with Billy and Joey.你和比利、乔伊一起干得非常出色。Joey stacked the crates one on top of the other.乔伊把那些板条箱一个个摞起来。Joey would walk into the bar and hold court all night.乔伊进入酒吧后会成为人们整晚注意的焦点。Two days later Joyce phoned to ask about the check, so I had to make out I'd already mailed it.两天后,乔伊丝打电话来询问支票的事,我只得假称已经寄走了。When Joey opened the package and saw that it wasn't a fire engine, the disappointment was written all over his face.乔伊打开包裹看到里面不是一辆消防车时,满脸失望。Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。His first wife Joy was a heavy smoker who died of lung cancer.他的第一任妻子乔伊是个烟瘾很大的人,她死于肺癌。Volunteers like Joyce go round local schools helping children with their reading problems.乔伊丝一样的志愿者经常到当地的各学校帮助儿童解决阅读困难。Joyce was irritated by the inflexibility of her colleagues.乔伊丝对她同事的执拗感到恼火。Does Joey have a realistic chance of being successful at the audition?乔伊真的有试演成功的可能吗?Joey's my twin.乔伊是我的挛生兄弟。Joey walked me home after the prom.学生舞会结束后,乔伊送我回家。As he neared the park he could hear the tinny music from Joey's radio.他走近公园的时候,听到了乔伊的收音机里传出沙沙的音乐声。It looks as if Joey, her old boyfriend, is back in favor again.看来她的前男友乔伊再度得宠了。My vacation plans dovetail nicely with Joyce's.我的度假计划与乔伊丝的很吻合。Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.乔伊丝在波特兰有一套舒适的公寓。Will there be enough room for Joey in the car?车里还能坐得下乔伊吗?Joey sighed with contentment, snuggling down in his warm bed.乔伊满足地舒了口气,舒适地钻进自己暖烘烘的被窝里。Joey was downstairs getting the kids their breakfast.乔伊在楼下给孩子们准备早餐。If she talks to the police, Joey's strongmen will be paying her a visit.要是她敢告诉警察,乔伊的打手们就会去找她的。These comments by Joy and Lester were reflective of the general attitude.乔伊和莱斯特的这些评论反映了普遍的态度。




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