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Many people think that the new Disney World is a great boon to the fortunes of Shanghai.许多人认为,迪斯耐乐园是上海财政的一大利益。Children are well catered for at the Hotel Paradiso.乐园旅馆很迎合儿童的口味。The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.《古兰经》将天国描述成一个乐园。We bought a two-day pass to Disneyland.我们买了一张可用两天的迪士尼乐园门票。Our trip to Disneyland was unreal.我们的迪士尼乐园之旅棒极了。Anybody's backyard can be home to exuberant plants.任何人的后花园都可以成为生机勃勃的植物乐园。Shell collectors find the ocean beaches happy hunting grounds.海滩是收集贝壳者的丰收乐园。She worked on the garden until she had created her own little paradise.她一直侍弄着花园,直到把那里变成了自己的小小乐园。The rides at the fair just can't compare with the rides at Disneyland.游乐场的游乐设施根本不能和迪士尼乐园里的相比。Northern Finland is a great place for owls.芬兰北部是鸮类的乐园。The city is a remote and beautiful Eden.这个城市是一个遥远美丽的乐园。Madeira used to be a happy hunting ground for antique collectors.马代拉曾经是古董收藏者的乐园。The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.《古兰经》将天园描述为一个乐园。The land bordering the Hudson will become Elysium for them.哈得孙河沿岸的地方将成为他们理想的乐园。Crowded markets are a happy hunting ground for pickpockets.摩肩接踵的集市是扒手们的乐园。They live in fantasy worlds which make Euro Disney seem uninventive.他们生活在幻想的世界里,相形之下连欧洲迪士尼乐园都显得毫无创意。Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children.那些深夜派对把酒店变成了夜猫子的乐园,对于带着孩子的人们则成了地狱。Their house was pet city. 他们家成了宠物乐园。Miami is THE place for girls who like to live life to the full.迈阿密是喜欢充分享受生活的女孩的乐园。These mountains are a playground for hikers, skiers, and nature lovers.这些大山是远足者、滑雪者和热爱大自然的人的乐园。He had business connections abroad in tax havens.他在国外的避税乐园有生意上的门路。Some resorts are happy hunting grounds for souvenirs.一些度假胜地是纪念品的淘物乐园。Organizers will set up a free Tour de France Fan Park in Canary Wharf during the race.比赛期间,环法自行车赛的主办方将会在金丝雀码头建立一个免费车迷乐园。 |