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词汇 之日起
例句 This Agreement commences on the date of signature hereof.本协议自签字之日起生效。From those early days the business has snowballed.自开创之日起,这家企业如滚雪球般迅速发展起来。Eggs must be marked with an expiry date that is ten days from the date of packing.鸡蛋应该标明保质期为自包装之日起十天。Since its inception, the business has expanded to become a national retail chain.从开张之日起,这家公司就开始扩张成为一家全国性的零售连锁店。Since the Convention was drawn up international opinion has begun to move against it.自从该国际公约起草之日起,国际社会就转而对其持反对意见。This Agreement shall commence on the date of signature hereof.本协议将于签署之日起生效。Throughout her marriage she never considered her husband as her intellectual equal.自结婚之日起,她一直就认为在才智上她丈夫根本无法和她相提并论。




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