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词汇 乃至
例句 The camera is perfect for professionals as well as hobbyists.这台照相机对业余爱好者乃至专业摄影师都很适合。The ship's crew eventually resorted to eating rats and even sawdust to stay alive.船员们最后不得不靠吃老鼠乃至锯木屑活命。As the examples imply, some markets are local while others are national or international in scope.这些例子表明,从范围来看,有些市场是地方性的,有些则是全国性乃至国际性的。He frequently expressed his love for her in words if not in deeds.他不断地用言语乃至行动来表达对她的爱。His interests extended beyond the fine arts to international politics and philosophy.他兴趣广泛,涵盖了从美术到国际政治乃至哲学的各个领域。Players are warned, fined and can even be disqualified for unsporting actions in the heat of contest.在激烈的竞赛中,缺乏体育道德的选手会被警告、罚款乃至撤销比赛资格。The promises are so far from reality that they are laughable.这些承诺脱离实际,乃至荒唐可笑。Many cases of child abuse and even infanticide have stemmed from the corrosive effects of sleep deprivation.睡眠被剥夺对人有害,很多虐待儿童乃至杀婴的案件都起因于此。He'd do anything to cover his ass, including lie, cheat, and murder.为了保护自己他会不择手段,包括撒谎、欺骗,乃至杀人。These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.这些陌生的新增业务会损害乃至葬送整个公司。John offered an embarrassed, almost hurt expression.约翰的脸上现出一种窘迫乃至自尊心受到伤害的表情。The Kravchenko trial became a cause célèbre in Paris and internationally.克拉夫琴科审判成了巴黎乃至全世界的著名事件。Music, dramatics, singing and even mock parliaments featured regularly in the syllabus.音乐、戏剧、唱歌乃至模拟议会都是教学大纲里常见的内容。They have lost not only their jobs, but their homes, their self-respect and even their reason for living.他们不仅丢掉了工作,还失去了居所、自尊乃至生存的理由。




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