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词汇 举止
例句 To be relaxed and cool is to be with-it.举止潇洒,态度清高,这才算合乎时尚。Our kids’ table manners are appalling - it's like living in the zoo.我家的孩子进餐时的举止糟透了—就像生活在动物园一样。Derek criticized every aspect of Pauline's behaviour, something he had never done when they were courting.德里克对保利娜的举止百般挑剔,恋爱时他可从不这样。His good manners predispose people to like him.他彬彬有礼的举止使得人们未经接触就喜欢他。She acts a little fruity.她的举止有些古怪。There was nothing of the lady in her behaviour.她的举止根本不像贵妇人。His reserved manner was a perfect foil for/to her bubbly personality.他内敛的举止使她活泼热情的性格更显突出。His manners are impeccable.他的举止无可挑剔。His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.他的举止即使算不上冒犯,至少也是有失礼貌的。People did not like her distant manner.人们不喜欢她冷淡的举止He has an easy manner.举止潇洒自如。Her behavior was very mysterious.她的举止很怪异。In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。Given the circumstances, his behaviour to Laura had been punctiliously correct.考虑当时的情况,他对劳拉的举止非常得体。Her mother was always telling her to act like a lady.她妈妈总告诉她举止要像个淑女。With her delicate bones and soigné appearance, Lauren was always destined for model stardom. 凭着她的秀美身材和优雅举止,罗兰注定要成为模特明星。She felt that his behaviour was an affront to her dignity as a human being.她觉得他的举止是对她人格尊严的侮辱。His quiet demeanor had a calming effect on us.他平和的举止使我们平静下来。She's just acting like a normal teenager.她的举止和正常少年无二。His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the armed services.作为一名军官,他的举止极不得体。His manners were beyond reproach.他的举止无可指摘。Bruno has not got his younger brother's jokey manner.布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止His behaviour had made him an object of ridicule.他的举止使他成了被嘲笑的对象。He found Jean's manner disquieting.他觉得琼的举止让人忧虑。We won't tolerate such inappropriate behavior/conduct/language.我们不会容许如此不当的行为/举止/言谈。Her manner was quiet and very controlled.举止文静,而且非常冷静。Frau Eberhardt behaved with total correctness.埃伯哈特夫人举止大方得体。His behavior at the party was sophomoric.他在聚会上的举止真幼稚。He acts like he has a screw loose.他的举止就像个疯子。He behaved like a callow youth who had fallen in love for the first time.他的举止像一个初次恋爱的毛头小伙子。He was accused of loose conduct/behavior.他因行为/举止放荡受到指控。She always carries herself with dignity and grace.她的举止总是那么端庄优雅。There are musical savants who are very awkward physically - until they sit at the piano.有些音乐专家平时举止显得不自然,但一旦坐在钢琴面前就大不一样。He behaved to the emperor as an equal.他的举止简直是同皇帝平起平坐。His mannerisms were a betrayal of his rural upbringing.他的举止癖性显示了他是在农村长大的。Their antics never fail to amuse.他们滑稽的举止总是让人发笑。In accent and mannerism he appeared to be completely Eastern European.从口音和举止上看,他像一个地道的东欧人。His brash manner is just a cover-up for his insecurity.他的傲慢举止正是对其缺乏安全感的掩饰。Dick acts like a gentleman.迪克的举止如同绅士。He's very generous despite his somewhat severe manner.尽管他的举止有些严肃,但是他为人很慷慨。




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