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The government keeps blowing hot and cold on green taxes.政府对是否征收环境税举棋不定。The cabinet hangs fire over bank strike.内阁对银行罢工事件的处理举棋不定。Maya wavered between accepting and refusing his offer.马娅举棋不定,不知道是接受还是拒绝他的提议好。The couple are wavering over the purchase of a car.夫妻俩在买不买小汽车这件事情上举棋不定。It's time for Brooke to stop shilly-shallying.布鲁克不能再这样举棋不定了。It was obvious that the company was having second thoughts about the whole project.很显然,该公司对整个计划举棋不定。Most companies at home have been hesitant to take the plunge into the promising but difficult foreign market.国内大多数公司都举棋不定,不愿贸然打入虽大有可为但毕竟难以驾驭的国外市场。Shareholders who were wavering met the directors.举棋不定的股东会见了董事。I'm in two minds about whether to get a dog or not - it's such a responsibility.对要不要养狗我举棋不定,这可是要负责任的。There can be a great temptation to talk oneself out of good moves through uncertainty.人在举棋不定时很容易说服自己放弃有益的行动。It is not surprising that the government was hesitant to introduce such major reforms.推行这么大规模的改革,政府举棋不定是不足为奇的。He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.他一直举棋不定,找出种种理由不予成交。The White House has portrayed the President as deeply conflicted over the matter.白宫的说法是,总统在此事上举棋不定。She is in two minds about it.她对此举棋不定。He is still hesitating about joining the expedition.他对于是否参加探险队还举棋不定。 |