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词汇 主要原因
例句 Unemployment is the major cause of people falling behind with their mortgage repayments.失业是人们拖欠按揭贷款的主要原因The study showed that drug use is the leading cause of crime and violence.研究表明,吸毒是罪案和暴力行为的主要原因Financial reward is the primary reason most people work.经济收入是大多数人去工作的主要原因Failing health is the biggest reason for Herman's long period of inactivity.身体状况每况愈下是赫尔曼长期不活动的主要原因The main reason kids don't get vaccinated is that parents don't realize how important it is.小孩子未注射疫苗的主要原因是父母没有意识到其重要性。The main reason for living in Spain is the weather.居住在西班牙的主要原因是天气。Internet multiplayer games are responsible for much of the increase in broadband use.网络多人游戏是宽带用户增多的一个主要原因Religious chauvinists have been the main cause of trouble in the province.宗教沙文主义者是该省问题的主要原因Passive smoking is considered a major cause of cerebrovascular disease, which causes strokes.吸二手烟被认为是造成脑血管病,导致中风的主要原因A major reason for emigration was the higher salaries that could be earned in some other countries.移民的一个主要原因是,在一些别的国家可以赚到更高的工资。The main reason the ship capsized was that it was top-heavy.该船倾覆的主要原因是上重下轻。A primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness.懒惰是汤姆失败的主要原因之一。That was the main reason I went.这就是我去那儿的主要原因Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳是导致温室效应的最主要原因The main reason she quit is that she was not being paid enough.她辞职的主要原因是工资太低。Boredom is one of the main reasons kids get into trouble.小孩捣蛋闯祸的主要原因之一就是感到太无聊。The chief reason for going to school is to learn.上学的主要原因是为了学习。The main irk is the wage level.工资标准是让人恼恨的主要原因Cigarettes are acknowledged as a serious health risk and the main cause of lung cancer.香烟被公认为是一种对健康的严重危害,也是导致肺癌的主要原因In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.在发达国家,婴儿猝死是一周到一岁的婴儿死亡的主要原因But much of the blame rests with simple lack of sleep.主要原因就是睡眠不足。Alcoholism is one of the major causes of premature death.酗酒是早逝的主要原因之一。What's your principal reason for wanting to be a doctor?你想当医生的主要原因是什么? There seem to be three main reasons for this.这似乎有三个主要原因The main reason I'm going to Jamaica is so I can lie on the beach and chill out without being distracted.我要去牙买加的主要原因是为了可以在海滩上躺下来,不受干扰地放松一下。That's the primary reason the company's share price has held up so well.这是公司股票价格一直居高不下的主要原因What is the major cause of the labour-management strife?劳资冲突的主要原因是什么? His main dislikes about work are the noise and dust in the factory.他不喜欢工作的主要原因是工厂里噪声和粉尘太大。His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems.他对语言的误解是引起其他问题的主要原因The weather was our chief reason for coming here.天气是我们来这里的主要原因Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers.低工资是造成教师对工作不满的主要原因I'm sorry I didn't call you. The thing is, I've been really busy with work and school.抱歉没有给你打电话。主要原因是我最近工作和学习实在是太忙了。The major cause of these accidents is drivers going too fast.这些事故的主要原因是司机开得太快了。Inflation was largely responsible for the economic crisis.通货膨胀是引起经济危机的主要原因The principal underlying cause of men's urinary tract symptoms is benign prostatic hyperplasia.男性尿道症状的最主要原因是良性前列腺增生。Novelty value may be a part of it, but the real reason people like our paper is that it speaks the truth.有创意或许是一个方面,但人们喜欢本报的最主要原因是它讲真话。The workload is bigger than ever, and technology seems to be the main culprit.工作量比以前更大了,技术似乎是主要原因Drowsiness is a major cause of road accidents.疲劳驾驶是道路事故的主要原因I've been feeling miserable. I think it's the weather as much as anything.我一直感觉难受,我想天气是主要原因Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.早产是临产死亡的主要原因




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