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例句 The country went to war with its archenemy.这个国家和他们的主要敌对国开战了。The recession is largely blamed for the disappointing response to the appeal.对此呼吁的反应令人失望,主要归咎于经济衰退。Much of its beauty derives from its poetic understanding of human nature.它的美主要在于对人性诗意的理解。The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the main business of the meeting.在会议主要议程开始之前主席致了开幕词。Pearl Harbor was the principal American bastion in the Pacific.珍珠港曾是美国在太平洋的主要军事据点。The police are beginning to move in on their principal suspects.警察开始向他们的主要嫌疑犯逼近。Music is an important/major/essential part of my life. It's very much a part of me.音乐是我的生活中重要/主要/不可或缺的一部分,在很大程度上,就是我的一部分。I use my boat mainly for leisure purposes.我驾船的主要目的是为了休闲。The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head.那位律师很快完全改变了主要的辩护思路。The city has the largest population in the country and in addition is a major shipping port.这座城市人口居全国之首,此外,它还是一个主要的海运港口。His criticism was aimed primarily at parents.他的批评主要是针对父母的。She has been identified as the chief suspect.她被认定是主要嫌疑人。Texas sage bushes are a staple of many Phoenix landscapes.得克萨斯鼠尾草灌木是菲尼克斯许多景点的主要植被。His main grouse is over the inadequacy of the pay.主要的牢骚是嫌工资太少。His chief blunder is his misconception of Kant.主要的错误是误解了康德的意思。The letter was, in chief, intended to allay fears.这封信主要是用来缓解恐慌情绪的。He has many concerns, chief among them his health.他担忧很多事,其中最主要的是他的健康。Business is conducted predominantly by phone.生意主要是通过电话来做的。The company is in a position closely analogous to that of its main rival.该公司与其主要竞争对手的处境极为相似。He just kept talking around the subject and didn't tackle the main issues.我觉得他只是不着边际地说了一通,没有涉及主要问题。Radio 1's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.广播一台主要播放一些面向年轻人的乐团所演唱的畅销曲目。The map shows the main rivers of the region.这张地图上标示出了该地区的主要河流。The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.该基金主要通过政府借款筹集资金。His job is the family's main source of income.他的工作是家里的主要收入来源。Tourism is the island's bread and butter.旅游业是该岛的主要收入来源。The mummified man's clothes had disintegrated almost completely, but appeared to be mainly of leather and fur.这具男性木乃伊的衣服几乎完全碎裂了,看上去似乎主要是皮革和皮毛。Immigration and race relations were key political issues at the time.移民和种族关系是当时主要的政治问题。Many leading charities have contributed to the debate on world poverty.许多主要慈善团体都参加了有关世界贫困问题的讨论。The city's population comprises mainly Asians and Europeans.该城人口主要由亚洲人和欧洲人组成。The Russian Federal Security Service is the main successor to the KGB.俄罗斯联邦安全局是克格勃的主要接替机构。The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。We don't have a huge marketing budget and rely on word-of-mouth.我们没有巨额营销预算,主要依赖口碑。It was her energetic and friendly manner that got her the job.她得到这份工作主要得益于她待人友善而且有干劲。It is still a close contest between the two leading opposition parties.两个主要反对党之间的竞争仍然难分高下。The major portion of fresh investment is expected to come through internal accruals.预计新投资主要来自于内部的增长。To be honest, I came here mainly on the chance of seeing you.说实话,我上这里来主要是希望能够见你一面。Pessimism is the hallmark of his major novels.悲观主义是他的几部主要小说的特征。The money is invested principally in oil.资金主要用于石油方面。They lived mainly/mostly on fruits and berries.他们主要以水果和浆果为食。The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.为期两天的课程主要由知名教授和学者讲授。




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