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词汇 主街
例句 The shop is just off the main street.商店离主街不远。The veterans will lead a parade down Main Street.退伍军人将引领游行队伍沿着主街行进。The parade starts out at the intersection of First and Main.游行从第一大街和主街的交叉口开始。A new office building is being built on Main Street.主街上正在建一座新的办公楼。The truck went barreling down Main Street.那辆卡车在主街上疯狂飞驰。The neighborhood is bordered by Main Street on the north and the river on the south.这个街区北面是主街,南面临河。The parade starts at the intersection of First and Main.游行从第一大街和主街的交叉口开始。Main Street has been blocked off for the parade.因为游行,主街已被封锁。On Friday nights, teenagers cruise the main street in town to show off their cars.每周五晚上,几个十几岁的孩子会开车缓慢行驶在小镇主街上,炫耀他们的汽车。The house fronts onto Main Street and backs onto/on the golf course. 这房子面朝主街,背对高尔夫球场。I pulled off the main drag onto Groton Street.我驶离主街,开进了格罗顿街。I made a right turn onto Main Street.我右转上了主街Dust carpeted the town's main street.尘土盖满了小镇的主街The house fronts Main Street.房子面向主街He rented a storefront on Main Street.他在主街租了一间店面。The Main Street Theater Company is presenting Shakespeare's Othello next month.主街剧院公司下个月将上演莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》。The house fronts on/onto Main Street.房子朝向主街The next stop is Main Street and Tower Square.下一站是主街和塔广场。I live in the Franklin Court apartments on Main Street.我住在主街的富兰克林公寓楼。They're putting up a new office building on Main Street.他们正在主街上建一幢新的办公大楼。Main Street in Great Barrington is lined with small storefronts and restaurants.大巴灵顿的主街两侧林立着许多小的店铺和餐馆。Bridge construction has created a bottleneck on the southern part of Main Street.大桥施工使得主街的南段成为交通瓶颈。




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