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词汇 主人
例句 It arrived that the master had already departed.碰巧主人已离开了。Our host seemed somewhat stiff.我们的主人看起来有些不友好。He gave the dog a slap round the head, just to show him who was boss.他在那条狗头上打了一巴掌,就是要让它瞧瞧谁是主人They were effusive in their thanks for their host's hospitality.他们对主人的殷勤款待感谢万分。Their guests took advantage of their generosity, overstaying their welcome by several days.客人们借着主人的慷慨又多住了几天,让主人感到不快。He didn't await an invite into the house.他不等主人说请就闯进屋去。You do the honors and pour out the tea.你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。At a snap of his owner's fingers, the dog came running.主人打了个响指,那狗就跑过来了。The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.这所房子以前的主人对房子后部进行了扩建。I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.我想当然地以为这个地方是他的——他有一副主人的架势。Like many tourists they were unconscious of the fact that they had deeply offended their hosts.跟许多游客一样,他们没有意识到自己已经大大得罪了主人The dog was always obedient to its master and mistress.这条狗总是听它的男女主人的话。My host latched onto me at the door, saying I must not go yet.在门口主人拖住我,叫我再呆一会。The stranger waited till my master came home.那个陌生人一直等到我主人回家。Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.主人若放任狗在人行道上排便将受处罚。Every pet owner knows their animal has its own personality.宠物的主人都知道它们有自己的个性。Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a brand-new car!恭喜!你现在光荣地成为这辆新车的主人了。The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner.山洞的入口被地产的主人给堵上了。Whoever owned the house was clearly not expecting us.不论这房子的主人是谁,他显然没有料到我们要来。Our host greeted us at the door.主人在门口迎候我们。He violated the unwritten/unspoken rule that you must thank your host before you leave a party.他违反了离开派对之前要答谢主人这个不成文的心照不宣的规定。The dog yelped excitedly when his master let him off the leash.主人解开了拴狗的皮带时,狗兴奋地叫了起来。The Ambassador did the honors by introducing the guest speaker.那位大使尽主人之谊介绍了演讲嘉宾。The bear was too old and his master had dusted him off.那头熊太老了,主人把它抛弃了。His Administration was doomed, and his tenure of the White House with it.他这一届政府连同他的白宫主人地位注定要完蛋了。She just sashayed in as if she owned the place.她就那么大模大样地走进来,好像她是这地方的主人The period of maturation is determined by the cellar master.酿熟期的长短由地窖的主人决定。As he reflected on his appalling behaviour, he mentally composed a letter of apology to his host.他一边反省自己的恶劣行为,一边打腹稿,给主人写道歉信。The master left his money with a trusty servant.主人将钱留给一个可靠的佣人保管。Our host gave us a quick tour of the house.主人带着我们快速地参观了房子。He blagged his way in by saying he was a friend of the owner.他骗人家说自己是主人的朋友,就混了进去。I naturally took him to be the owner of the estate.我自然而然地把他当成了庄园的主人The beaten dog crawled to his master's feet.挨打的狗爬到主人的脚边去。During a lapse in the conversation, I thanked my host and left.在谈话的间歇,我向主人道谢后离开了。The old servant fulfilled his master's charge to care for the children.老仆人按照主人的吩咐照料小孩。Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.豪华的家具陈设说明了主人的财力。Last but not least, we must thank our host for his hospitality.最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们得感谢主人的热情好客。There, I've done my duty as a good host.瞧,我完成了做个好主人的任务。I began to notice certain peculiarities about our host.我开始注意到主人的一些古怪之处。The dog ran to its master.那狗向它主人跑去。




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