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例句 All humanitarians fought against slavery.所有人道主义者都曾为反对奴隶制度而斗争过。He was seen as an intellectual defeatist.他被看成一名唯智论失败主义者Jill considers herself to be something of an environmentalist.吉尔认为她自己可以算得上是一个环境保护主义者He accused the diary's publishers of blatant opportunism.他指责这本日记的出版者是赤裸裸的机会主义者The country is being torn to pieces by conflict between fundamentalists and secularists.原教旨主义者和世俗主义者的纷争使得该国支离破碎。He was accused of being a sexist.他被指责为男性至上主义者Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to minimize the impact of the oil spill.环境保护主义者正竭尽所能把石油外溢造成的影响减少到最低限度。The company had been targeted by environmentalists.那家公司遭到了环境保护主义者的批评。The move has been welcomed by environmentalists.这一行动受到环境保护主义者的欢迎。Many white supremacists have chosen to set up compounds in unpopulated areas of the American West.许多白人至上主义者选择在美国西部无人居住的地区建立聚居地。He accused the environmentalists of trying to manipulate public opinion in their favour.他指责环境保护主义者试图操纵舆论,倒向有利于他们的一边。He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.他是一个全球主义者,而我们是把自己国家放在首位的国家主义者He is a committed egalitarian.他是一名坚定的平等主义者He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.他借鉴了很多民族主义标语,建立了一个平民主义者的形象。Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court's decision.法庭的判决让反堕胎主义者非常得意。The design of the new library has been acclaimed by Modernists.新图书馆的设计受到了现代主义者的称赞。Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming.环境保护主义者担心这并非解决全球变暖问题的长久之计。The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests.由于破坏了森林,这家公司受到环境保护主义者的猛烈抨击。Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers.环境保护主义者认为该组织没有着手解决第三世界国家农民的需求问题。Activists are asking donor countries to cut back their contributions to World Bank coffers.行动主义者呼吁各捐赠国削减向世界银行资金储备的捐款金额。He lists himself as a political liberal. 他标榜自己是政治自由主义者I'm no moral absolutist.我不是道德绝对主义者The gap between theoreticians and empiricists has widened.理论研究者和经验主义者之间的鸿沟加深了。This "descriptive" approach to standard English raised the hackles of prescriptivists, who believed in established rules and a hierarchy of expression. 这一“描述主义”手法让规约主义者感到恼怒,他们相信已确立的规则和表述的等级。Environmentalists were accused of hijacking the rally to promote their own aims.环境保护主义者被指控通过操纵这一集会来促进自身目标的实现。His comments caused consternation among environmentalists.他的评论在环境保护主义者中间引起一阵恐慌。Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.有关家庭的公共政策使自由主义者陷入了进退两难的境地。We're at this meeting because we're environmentalists who walk the walk.我们来参加这次会议,因为我们是做实事的环境保护主义者Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists.类似这样的观点遭到环境保护主义者的强烈质疑。A true nationalist places his country above everything.一个真正的国家主义者把他的国家看得高于一切。He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.他被刻画成为一个一有机会就大肆宣扬的无情的机会主义者Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists.石油公司又一次遭到环境保护主义者的责难。We need to get environmentalists and businesses on the same page to improve things.我们需要使环境保护主义者和企业同心协力以改善状况。Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.环境保护主义者并非想在政治上争个对错——他们仅仅想拯救这个星球而已。He is a self-declared populist.他自称是平民主义者Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources.环境保护主义者很希望看到矿物燃料用可再生能源来取代。This is a vegetarian dish that carnivores love.这是一道肉食主义者爱吃的素菜。Environmentalists are concerned that rock climbers are wearing the crags away in some places.环境保护主义者很担心那些攀岩者在不断损坏这几处峭壁的某些部分。Segregationists tried to preserve the South's traditional color barriers.种族隔离主义者试图维护南方传统的肤色壁垒。We confess to being hopeless materialists, surrounded by our own neat stuff.因身边总有漂亮精美的东西,我们承认是无可救药的物质主义者




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