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词汇 为期
例句 The contract is for a period of six months, and is not negotiable.合同为期六个月,这是不可更改的。They bargained on a two-year term.他们讲定以两年为期I get two weeks of paid vacation at my new job.我的新工作有为期两周的带薪休假。The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.为期两天的课程主要由知名教授和学者讲授。I tutored a two-day Introduction to Chairmaking course at the college.我在那个学院教过为期两天的椅子制作入门课。The course runs over a six-week period of time.这门课程为期六周。This is a two-year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.这个为期两年的课程是通过讲座和研讨课的形式授课的。These workshops, usually of one or two days’ duration, bring teachers and industrial managers together.这些通常为期一两天的讲习班让教师和企业经理聚首一堂。Shavuot is a two-day festival for Orthodox Jews.五旬节是犹太教正统派为期两天的节日。The course is of three years' duration.该课程为期三年。Also included in the price of the holiday are two days hiking in the High Atlas mountains.这个度假价格还包括为期两天的大阿特拉斯山区远足。Courses are of two years' duration.这些课程为期两年。It would be as a visiting professor for a year, with the possibility of a permanency.有可能是作为为期一年的客座教授,也有可能成为终身教授。The drug was tested over a five-week period.那种药品进行了为期五周的试验。It was a three day course and they really put us through the mill.课程为期三天,他们对我们进行了非常严格的考查。Four days of unrest and anti-government riots left at least three people dead.为期四天的骚乱和反政府暴乱造成至少三人死亡。The cross-country section of the three-day event was held here yesterday.为期三天的赛事中的越野赛昨天在此举办。The band are currently on a two-month tour of Europe.乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月的巡回演出。The Association hosted a special three-day sailing event.该协会举办了一场为期三天的别开生面的帆船比赛。 The President is in Brazil for an official two-day visit.总统正在巴西进行为期两天的正式访问。The couple hired a Dormobile for their four-week tour around Europe.这对夫妻为他们为期四周的欧洲之旅租了一辆住宿车。Training involves a two-year residential course.培训包含一门为期两年的住校学习课程。The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.这份为期十年的协议是对煤电站支持的表示。After a three week conditioning program, he was ready to compete.经过为期三周的训练,他已为比赛做好了准备。The government, in alliance with the army, has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.政府和军队结成联盟,决定禁止所有公众集会,为期一个月。This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.本课程为期两年,授课形式为讲座与研讨。It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market.它在为期一天的集市上出售应有尽有的各种古董。Two years of bitter fighting ensued.随之而来的是为期两年的激烈斗争。He recently completed a two-year term as chairman.最近他刚结束为期两年的主席任期。The protest comes on the eve of two days of talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, sponsored by the United Nations.抗议活动发生在联合国组织的于埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴进行的为期两天的会谈即将开始前。Last year, the city hosted a three-day gay pride festival.去年,该市举行了为期三天的同性恋骄傲节。He's got a scholarship tenable for four years.他已得到为期四年的奖学金。The Sudanese leader has left for a two-day visit to Zambia.苏丹领导人已前往赞比亚进行为期两天的访问。He is expected to end his three-week holdout and join the team tomorrow.人们期待他结束为期三周的抵抗,明天就加入球队。The researchers observed mothers and their new infants for a three-day period.研究人员对母亲和新生婴儿进行了为期三天的观察。The training program lasts three weeks.培训计划为期三周。The prime minister has left for a three-week tour of South America.首相已启程去南非进行为期三周的访问。The President was leaving for a four-day official tour of Mexico.总统即将前往墨西哥进行为期四天的正式访问。The singer signed a contract for a two-week engagement.那位歌手签了为期两周的演出合同。In the one-day workshop, she taught us the importance of breathing exercises.为期一天的讲习班上,她向我们讲述了呼吸练习的重要性。




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