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词汇 branched
例句 She branched off down the earth track.她改变路线,沿着土路走了下去。In the beginning the business was highly specialized, but it has since branched out.这家企业刚开始时是高度专业化的,但是后来业务范围拓展了。His speech branched out into a long tedious sermon.他的演说东拉西扯,成了一篇冗长乏味的说教。A small group of soldiers branched off into the jungle.一小队士兵离开大路进入丛林。Profits were falling until the bookstore branched out into selling CDs.书店在扩大营业范围兼卖激光唱片之前,利润一直在下降。Shrubs are much like trees, but are smaller and more profusely branched.灌木很像树,但小得多,且岔枝丛生。I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects.我继续研究飞蛾,并将研究范围扩展到其他昆虫。He came to a place where the corridor branched into three.他来到走廊的三岔口。We branched off the main route and went through the countryside.我们驶离主路,从乡间穿过。ASEAN has branched out tentatively into the security business.东盟已经尝试将合作范围拓展到安全领域。After a few miles, a small road branched off to the right.过了几英里后,右侧出现一条小岔路。His talk branched off from the subject.他的话离开了正题。The clothing designer has branched out and now has his name on a line of perfume.那位服装设计师开拓了新领域,现在他的名字出现在一系列香水上。Here the road branched, going one way east to Edoras, and the other north to the Fords of Isen.道路在这里分岔,一条朝东通往伊多拉斯,另一条向北通往伊森渡口。We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.我们离开干道,转入一条乡村小路。Lately, Carter has branched out to more abstract pieces.最近卡特转向创作更抽象的作品。The stream branched off to the left.小溪分岔出来,向左流去。Designers have branched out from clothes to cosmetics and toiletries.设计者已经把业务范围从服装扩大到化妆品和梳洗用品。Then the conversation branched off into a discussion about movies.接着谈话转入对电影的讨论。Other staircases branched off the long walkway.其他楼梯都从长长的走道上岔开。Dark veins branched at his temples.深色的静脉在他的太阳穴处分叉。The tree near the house branched over the roof.屋旁那棵树的分枝长到了屋顶上。




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