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词汇 中会
例句 One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you just take each other for granted.恋爱中会遇到的一个问题是,相处一段时间后,双方就都把对方为自己所做的一切当成理所当然。The German team will be going all out for a win in next Saturday's game.德国队在下星期六的比赛中会全力以赴争取胜利。During its flight, the weapon twists and turns.这种武器在飞行过程中会曲折前进。Passions often run high in these debates. 通常人们在这些辩论中会很激动。Your flower will grow better in loamy soil.你的花在沃土中会长得比较好。The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火的过程中会发挥主要作用。I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election.我斗胆猜测,他们在下一轮竞选中会有不错的表现。When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description.春天鲜花开放时,夜里的空气中会弥漫一种难以名状的香气。Do you think Labour will get in again at the next election?你认为工党在下一届选举中会再次当选吗?Perhaps next year more of us will be able to afford holidays abroad.也许到明年我们中会有更多的人有钱出国度假了。I'm just praying that somebody in Congress will do something before it's too late.我只是在祈求国会中会有人在还来得及的时候做点什么。Students role-play some of the situations they will meet on the job.学生们演习如何对付他们在工作中会遇上的某些处境。Sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.有时禁忌词中会用星号来代替某些字母,以避免冒犯读者。Whales become disoriented in shallow water.鲸在浅水中会迷失方向。Species differentiate as they evolve.物种在进化的过程中会发生分化。Will the Labour Party get back at the next election?工党在下次大选中会重新上台吗?The party is expected to take a battering in the upcoming election.预计该党在即将到来的选举中会一败涂地。Strawberries grow well in pots or planter boxes.草莓在花盆或花槽中会长得很好。In a work setting, more formal language would be used.工作环境中会使用较为正式的语言。Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another.我们在每天的生活中会面临这样或那样的压力。The expected blow-up among the students never happened.原本以为在学生中会爆发的争吵一直没有发生。The brain undergoes aberrant changes in electrochemical activity.大脑在电化活动中会发生一些异常变化。One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles.他们中会有一人看着后面的路,提醒我们注意过来的车辆。Snakes molt as they grow, shedding the old skin and growing a larger new skin.蛇在生长过程中会蜕皮,它们蜕去老皮,并长出更大的新皮。Proposed legislation affecting bankers has been watered down.拟议中会损害银行家利益的法规已经被削弱了。Lawyers get to represent lots of clients in their careers, but few as interesting as a president.律师在其职业生涯中会代表许多委托人打官司,但最有趣的委托人要算是总统了。Exposure to rain and sun will gradually deteriorate the paint.漆暴露在雨水和阳光中会逐渐受损。What is it like to live in an essentially alien culture?生活在截然不同的文化中会是什么样呢?Sunlight activates a chemical reaction in the plant's leaves.在阳光的照射下,植物叶子中会发生一种化学反应。Cheese sweats during ripening.奶酪成熟过程中会出水。There is a confusion in the public mind between psychology and psychiatry.大众心目中会把心理学和精神病学混为一谈。Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.儿童在学习语言过程中会找出各种规律和规则。The batter rises as it bakes.面糊在烤的过程中会发起来。I wouldn't give much for his chances in the next race.我不大相信他在下一场比赛中会赢。Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.已经对车辆进行了测试以确定其在模拟撞车试验中会遭受多大的损坏。




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