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词汇 丧失了
例句 He has forfeited the right to be the leader of this nation.丧失了作为这个国家领导的权利。Commercial operators have lost access to about a ninth of their fishing grounds.商业经营者已经丧失了他们大约九分之一的渔业市场份额。After the floods, the local people lost everything; that is, they had no food, no clothing, no nothing.洪水过后,当地的人丧失了一切,无衣无食,一无所有。The patient became sterile after having chemotherapy treatment.病人在接受化疗后丧失了生育能力。He suffers with memory loss related to his disease.他因病丧失了记忆。The conversation had long ceased to interest me.我早就对谈话丧失了兴趣。After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.事故过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。These people have forfeited the right to live in society.这些人已经丧失了社会生存权。Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.然后鸽子飞进了浓雾中,其闻名的归巢本能丧失了A serious fall incapacitated him.一次严重跌伤使他丧失了行动能力。He seems to have lost his sense of reality.他似乎已经丧失了对现实世界的感知力。The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。He forfeited his freedom when he was convicted of the crime.当他被确定有罪时就丧失了自由。Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed.丧失了英国工党的党籍。By attacking too late, they had forfeited the advantage of surprise.因为进攻太晚,他们丧失了突袭的优势。I felt all my confidence drop away.我觉得自己丧失了所有的自信。The descendants lost the grandeur of those who first settled on the land.最初在这片土地定居者的后裔丧失了先辈的高贵品质。His criminal record disqualified him from running for a seat in the parliament.他的犯罪记录使他丧失了竞选议会席位的资格。The loss on Monday zapped any chance the team had to go on to the finals.周一的失败使这支队丧失了一切冲击决赛的机会。As he went through the revolving doors he felt his courage deserting him.走过旋转门的时候,他觉得自己丧失了勇气。He suffered hearing loss following an illness.他得了一场病后就丧失了听觉。She was a respected academic until late in life when her memory deserted her. 她晚年丧失了记忆力,在这之前她是位受人尊敬的学者。Years of shore duty lost him his sea legs.多年的岸上勤务使他丧失了不晕船的本领。Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.沙库尔丧失了对形势仅存的一点判断,无论对敌对友都开始大加挞伐。French filmmakers say American remakes are losing something in the translation.法国电影人说美国翻拍的版本丧失了原作的部分精髓。The country has suffered substantial territorial losses in this war.该国在此次战争中丧失了大片领土。Deprived of the heavenly rhetoric of her eye, she seemed flat and dull.丧失了眼神所具有的动人感染力之后,她便显得平庸呆板了。She lost the use of her legs in a car accident.在一次车祸中她的双腿丧失了功能。The injury blanked out parts of his memory.受伤使他丧失了部分记忆。They lost their ability to hear.他们丧失了听力。Ground down by years of abuse, she did not have the confidence to leave him.多年来所受的虐待已经使她丧失了逃离他魔爪的信心。Susan thought that her illness had made her sterile.苏珊认为是这场病令她丧失了生育能力。The legal change rendered the president virtually powerless.这一法律变动使得总统实际上丧失了权力。She lost her sense of hearing early in life.她早年就丧失了听觉。Her last three losses have sapped her of her confidence.最后的三次失败令她丧失了信心。He lost the ability to reason.丧失了逻辑思维能力。He'd lost his memory as a result of a stroke.他由于中风丧失了记忆力。The accident left him unable to walk.这次事故使他丧失了行走能力。Immeasurable quantities of natural resources were lost forever through misuse.无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了Many employees became demoralized and cynical when the company announced another round of job cuts.公司宣布新一轮职位削减时,许多雇员丧失了信心,变得愤世嫉俗。




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