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词汇 严酷
例句 Every plane crash is an ordeal for the surviving relatives.每次的空难对家属而言都是个严酷的考验。The team secured pictures of prisoners showing signs of severe beatings.团队获得了囚犯露出受严酷拷打后所致伤痕的照片。There is a danger that America's metaphoric "war on drugs" may turn into a bloody reality.美国人“向毒品开战”的比喻说法有变成严酷现实的危险。They came through the ordeal with flying colors.他们成功地通过了严酷的考验。The editorial packed an uncommon kind of punch to reveal the hopeful elements in the grimmest situation.社论以非凡的雄辩揭示出最为严酷形势下尚具有希望的因素。This was Tim's first experience of the harsh realities of life.这是蒂姆第一次体验到现实生活的严酷At some point you have to face the simple/hard/honest/plain/naked truth that we failed.你终归得面对我们已经失败的这个基本/严酷/真实/清清楚楚/赤裸裸的事实。Guilt and a sense of common humanity make people less harsh.内疚感和人类的博爱使得人们少了几分严酷It is a fact of life and you must face it.这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。The movie shows the harsh/grim/stark realities of war. 这部电影展现了严酷的战争生活。Traditional parenting roles are reversed for emperor penguins, which live only on the harsh antarctic ice.帝企鹅只生活在严酷的南极冰原,它们完全颠倒了传统的父母角色。There are still a few feel-good shows on TV, but most series have a harder edge.电视上仍有一些让人感觉不错的节目,但大多数连续剧都比较严酷The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。The population became used to braving out the harsh winter months with inadequate electricity and fuel supplies.民众已经习惯了在电力和燃料供应不足的情况下挺过严酷的冬季。Take a hard look at the cold facts before cutting defence spending.在削减国防开支之前,请仔细审视一下严酷的现实。Losing to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.输给了更为年轻的对手是严酷的现实。This was the worst winter on record.这是有记录以来最严酷的冬天。These kids need a severe dose of reality.这些孩子需要体验一下现实的严酷The novel describes the harsh realities of racism and life on the road.这部小说描写了种族主义和流浪生活的严酷现实。The government is tightening/putting the thumbscrews on dissenters. 政府严酷镇压持异议者。The ordeal taught her humility.那次严酷的考验教会她谦逊。He grew up in a harsh urban environment.他在严酷的都市环境中长大。He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war's rigours with riotous enjoyment.他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。Prison conditions have become more brutal.监狱条件变得更加严酷To face unpleasant truth need not be discouraging, but can be bracing.正视严酷事实并不一定使人气馁,反而可能令人振奋。The severeness of the winter made her weaker.冬天的严酷使她身体更加虚弱。Sailors sometimes faced brutal punishments like whipping.水手们有时要面对严酷的惩罚,比如鞭刑。A harsh climate stunted the trees.严酷的气候妨碍树木的生长。It was a fitting end to a bitter campaign.那是一场严酷选战的恰当结局。We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.我们认为对这样的小错,这种惩罚太严酷了。Napoleon had not reckoned with the severity of the Russian winter.拿破仑没有考虑到俄罗斯冬季的严酷For new parents, lack of sleep is just a fact of life.对于初为父母的人来说,缺少睡眠只是一个严酷的现实。The ruined house was a stark reminder of the recent earthquake.已成废墟的房子是近来这场地震的严酷见证。It's time for her to face the harsh realities of this situation.现在是她面对严酷现实的时候了。




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