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词汇 adjust
例句 I just need some time to adjust.我只是需要一些时间适应。One of the beauties of the system is that it allows you to adjust the schedule easily.这一体系的优点之一是便于调整计划。It takes time to adjust to motherhood.适应做母亲需要时间。She must learn to adjust herself to English life.她必须学会适应英国的生活。The kids will eventually adjust to the new school.孩子们最终会适应新学校的。A child can easily adjust to changes in its environment.孩子很容易适应生活环境的改变。I must adjust my watch, it's fast.我的表快了,我得把它校准。Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning.尝尝汤的味道,然后调整佐料。Some of the staff found it hard to adjust to all the changes in technology and working methods.有些员工发觉难以适应技术以及工作方式的变化。The chair has a ratchet below it to adjust the height.这把椅子下面有棘轮调整高度。Check and adjust the brakes regularly.经常检查并调节刹车装置。Going to a new school can be difficult, but the kids will eventually adjust.孩子们到一所新学校会遇到困难,但他们终究会适应的。If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.如果椅子太高了,你可以把它调到适合你的高度。You can adjust the incline of the ramp.你可以调整活动舷梯的倾斜度。Give your eyes time to adjust.给你的眼睛一点适应的时间。It took us a while to adjust to the tropical climate.我们过了一阵子才适应热带气候。You should adjust your speed to suit the driving conditions.你应该调节速度以适应驾驶条件。Check and adjust your brakes regularly.定期检查并调节刹车。Kids need help to adjust to having a new baby in the house.家里新添了小宝宝,孩子们需要有人帮助才能适应。The reception is very poor. Let me adjust the antenna.接收效果太差了。让我来调一下天线。The eyes need several minutes to adjust to the dimness.需要花几分钟的时间使眼睛适应昏暗。You can adjust the blinds to keep out the glare.你可以调节百叶窗挡住耀眼的光。We're all trying to adjust ourselves to the new economic realities.我们都在努力去适应新的经济现实。I can adjust my teaching methods to the students I happen to have in my class.我可以调整教学方法以适应碰巧在我班上的学生。The lifestyle is so very different - it takes a while to adjust.生活方式差别太大了,得过一段时间才能适应。It took time to adjust myself to motherhood.我过了一段时间才习惯做母亲这个角色。It may take a little time to adjust to the climate here.适应这儿的气候也许要花点儿时间。It's hard to adjust myself to the idea that she's gone.她走了,这让我很难适应。You can adjust the slope of the ramp.你可以调整坡道的坡度。Ask the printer if he can adjust the layout.问问印刷工能否调整一下版面。Stir in the lemon juice and adjust the seasoning.搅拌柠檬汁并调好作料。When economic circumstances change, businesses need time to adjust.当经济环境改变的时候,企业需要时间来适应。Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。She will gradually adjust to her new role.她会渐渐适应自己的新角色。He and Connie could never adjust to living cheek by jowl with their neighbours.他和康妮同邻居之间的关系总是不能搞得亲密无间。Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness.太空人在飞行中得适应失重状态。You can adjust the light's brightness.你可以调节灯光的亮度。Most fish have a gas bladder they use to adjust their buoyancy.鱼类大多有鳔,用来调整身体浮力。You can adjust the height of the chair.你可以调整椅子的高度。She needed time to adjust to Clive's declaration.她需要时间来适应克莱夫的表白。




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