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词汇 两岁
例句 He's junior to me by two years.他比我小两岁Ken, who was two years older than I, was our leader.肯比我年长两岁,是我们的领袖。She has the most adorable two-year-old girl.两岁的小女儿真是可爱极了。A two-year-old boy was horribly murdered.一名两岁男孩惨遭杀害。She turned two years old last week.她上周满两岁了。Bob is two years senior to me.鲍伯比我大两岁His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old.他缺乏一个正常两岁儿童应具备的弹跳力与活力。A two-year old is likely to refuse to cooperate when you tell her to get dressed.你让两岁的小女孩穿衣服的时候,她很可能不配合。She has a child, aged two.她有个孩子,两岁了。We watched a home movie of my second birthday party.我们看了我过两岁生日时拍的家庭电影。These stock are generally calved down when little more than two years old.这些牲畜通常刚到两岁就产犊了。Children usually develop speech in the second year of life.儿童通常在两岁的时候开始说话。Oh, be quiet! You're behaving like a two-year-old.哦,别闹了!你的行为就像个两岁的娃娃。His father and mother immigrated when he was two.他的父母在他两岁时移民到这里。Our two-year-old is happy most of the time, but he wakes up from his naps in an awful mood.我们两岁大的孩子大部分时候都很愉快,但他小睡醒来时脾气就很坏。Their imaginations are quite something for two yr olds.对于两岁的小孩子来说,他们的想象力很了不起。He rushed back into the inferno to rescue his two-year-old sister, Cora, who had been trapped inside.他冲回火海中去营救两岁的妹妹科拉,她被困在里面了。Children under two years are exempt.两岁以下儿童免票。The two-year-old girl had been left home alone.这个两岁的小女孩被单独留在了家里。We break the horses in when they're about two years old.小马两岁左右的时候我们就开始训练它们。Their two-month-old baby Ben was thriving.他们两岁大的孩子本当时正茁壮成长。Angela is two years younger than Clare.安杰拉比克莱尔小两岁They let their two-year-old daughter pick out her own clothes.他们让两岁的女儿挑选自己的衣服。Almost all two-year-olds have tantrums from time to time.两岁的小孩几乎个个都经常会闹闹脾气。Their children were born two years apart.他们的孩子们相差两岁I watched my two-year-old nephew toddling around after his puppy.我看着两岁的侄子跟在他的小狗后面蹒跚地四处走。My brother was two years older than me, taller, and more handsome.我哥哥比我大两岁,长得比我高,而且更英俊。He's only two - you can scarcely blame him for behaving badly.他只有两岁——不听话你也不能怪他。Harry outgrew his cot when he was about two.哈里长到大约两岁时就睡不下婴儿床了。Their imaginations are quite something for 2 yr olds.两岁的小孩子来说,他们的想象力非同一般。The sisters were treated as local heroes after rescuing a two-year-old boy from drowning.救起一名两岁的溺水男孩后,这对姐妹在当地被视为英雄。By the age of two a child will have a vocabulary of about two hundred words.孩子到两岁时掌握的词汇大约有两百个。A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon.两岁能弹钢琴的孩子会被称作神童。I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they're two or three years apart.我记不太清楚马克和他弟弟差几岁了——不是两岁就是三岁。She'll be two in January.她一月份就两岁了。




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