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词汇 世界纪录
例句 They have set their sights on the world record.他们的目标是冲击世界纪录He set a new world record for the marathon.他创下了新的马拉松世界纪录He's been chasing after the world record all season.整个赛季他的成绩一直紧跟世界纪录He is trying to recapture his world record.他正试图再次创造世界纪录She might break the world record today.她今天或许能打破世界纪录She shattered the world record for the marathon.她打破了马拉松世界纪录He managed to shave nearly a second off the world record.他把世界纪录缩短了将近一秒。She shaved half a second off the world record.她把世界纪录缩短了半秒。The Games are off to a flying start with a new world record in the women's marathon.运动会开始时情况很好,打破了女子马拉松世界纪录He equalled the world record.他追平了世界纪录Though she has repeatedly failed to capture the world record, she refuses to give up the chase. 尽管多次挑战世界纪录未能成功,但她不肯放弃努力。She has just set a new world record.她刚刚创造了新的世界纪录Her time tied the world record.她的成绩平了世界纪录She came within two seconds of beating the world record.她离打破世界纪录差了不到两秒。Carl Lewis has broken the world record in the 100 metres.卡尔·刘易斯已经打破了百米赛跑的世界纪录His new world record will take some beating.他新创造的世界纪录将很难打破。He succeeded in his attempt to break the world record.他如愿以偿地打破了世界纪录If she continues like this she could beat the record.如果这样继续下去的话,她会打破世界纪录If only he could keep it up, he would break the world record.只要他坚持不懈,他是能够打破世界纪录的。 The French team are within striking distance of the world record.法国队离世界纪录只有咫尺之遥。There is wild talk of her breaking the world record soon.有人信口胡说她不久就会打破世界纪录Lewis was pipped at the post for the gold medal by world record-holder Evans.刘易斯在金牌争夺战中以微弱劣势不敌世界纪录保持者埃文斯。It would be nice to go faster and break the world record.要是能再快一些、打破世界纪录就好了。She broke the world record.她打破了世界纪录A new world record was set last year.去年创下了一项新的世界纪录He is the marathon world record holder. 他是马拉松世界纪录保持者。Thompson equalled the world record.汤普森平了世界纪录She had the added incentive of being within reach of the world record.世界纪录触手可及,这使她又有了新的动力。Triple jumper Edwards set a new world record.三级跳远选手爱德华兹创造了新的世界纪录British adventurer Neil McGrigor is waiting for a weather window to attempt the Round Britain Powerboat world record.英国冒险家尼尔·麦格里戈在等待天气适宜时段的到来,以冲击环英国摩托艇驾驶世界纪录Her time was only 2 seconds short of the world record.她的时间和世界纪录只差了两秒钟。She ran a great race and almost broke the world record. 她赛跑时表现出色,差一点儿打破世界纪录He smashed the world record. 他大破世界纪录




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