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词汇 专职
例句 He was hired as a professional greeter, welcoming customers to the store.他受雇为专职迎宾员,迎接光顾商店的客人们。US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.美国的执法官专职负责追查逃犯及越狱犯。They're looking for full-time staff at the library.图书馆正在招聘专职工作人员。She went back to work full-time when her youngest child went to school.她最小的孩子上学之后,她又回去做专职工作了。His part-time job gradually expanded into a full-time position.他的兼职工作逐渐发展成为专职Tony is the company's resident clown.托尼是公司里的专职小丑。He played trumpet professionally in a jazz combo.他在一个小爵士乐队里专职吹奏小号。He chauffeurs a millionaire.他给一位百万富翁当专职司机。You are a professional, but I am amateur.你是专职的,我是业余的。In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine.其中一条私人车道上,一位穿着橡胶靴的专职司机正用水管冲洗一辆豪华轿车。His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。The newly-weds set off in a chauffeur-driven limousine.那对新人坐上由专职司机开的豪华轿车出发了。It was nice to be in the driving seat again, after two years of being chauffeured around.坐了两年专职司机开的车,能重新坐在驾驶席上真好。He chauffeurs for a millionaire.他给一位百万富翁当专职司机。He adopted the stage name Dixon Hare when he became a full-time actor.他成为专职演员后用狄克逊・黑尔作艺名。It is hard to combine study with a full-time job.既想学习又要做专职工作是很困难的。Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and weekends.专职演员势必晚上和周末都要上班。




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