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词汇 专家小组
例句 A panel of experts answered the questions on education which were put to them.专家小组回答了向他们提出的有关教育的问题。The panel will draw up a shortlist of candidates.专家小组将草拟候选人的入围名单。Exceptionally, in times of emergency, we may send a team of experts.在紧急情况下,我们可能会破例派一个专家小组The panel will give its final verdict tomorrow.专家小组明天将给出最后的结论。The book was compiled by a panel of experts, working in conjunction with the publisher.这本书是由一个专家小组和出版商合力编写的。Panelists will debate the practicality of wind as a source of renewable energy.专家小组成员将就风能作为一种可再生能源的可行性性进行辩论。A panel of experts will answer questions from the television audience.专家小组将回答电视观众提出的问题。The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.精神病专家小组判定,以她的情况将她送入精神病院没有益处。The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists.该建议是在汇集提取了心脏专家小组的意见后作出的。A blue-ribbon panel of experts was called in to weigh the evidence.第一流的专家小组被请来认真权衡这个证据。A panel has been appointed to inquire into their activities.已指派专家小组调查他们的活动情况。The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision.最新的协议草案把专家小组的决定加以整理,形成了条文。The team of experts includes psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.这个专家小组包括精神病学家、心理学家和社会工作者。Several suggestions have been offered for adoption by the panel.总共提出了几种建议以供专家小组采纳。The panel's recommendations went unheeded. 专家小组的建议被忽视了。The panel's decisions are not binding on the government.专家小组的决定对政府不具有约束力。All objects are vetted by a distinguished panel of experts.所有物品都交由一个著名的专家小组检查鉴定。All the information used in this report has been validated by an independent panel of experts.这份报告中使用的所有资料都已经过一个独立专家小组确证。A team of experts was finally able to break the code and decipher the meaning of the message.专家小组最终破解了密码,译出了讯息的内容。We asked a panel of experts to review the products.我们要求专家小组审查那些产品。The panel's decisions are secret and not binding on the government.专家小组的决定是秘密的,对政府不具有约束力。




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