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Watch out! Lee's in a belligerent mood.小心点儿!李今天看谁都不顺眼。Just because he looked at them in the wrong way, they beat him up and stole his money.他只是看了看他们,他们觉得不顺眼就痛打了他一顿,还拿了他的钱。It's a human trait to joke about subjects that make us uncomfortable.拿不顺眼的东西开玩笑是人类的特点。When Chris was in one of his moods, he was unpleasant to everyone.克里斯心情不好时看每个人都不顺眼。I can tell you, first thing in the morning he's not a pretty sight.我可以肯定地跟你说,早上一起来他就让人看着不顺眼。 |