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词汇 不觉得
例句 I don't find James Joyce's writing very accessible.不觉得詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品容易明白。Don't you think you're overreacting a little? I'm only ten minutes late.不觉得自己有点反应过激了吗?我不过迟到了十分钟。His jokes didn't strike Jack as being very funny.杰克不觉得他的笑话很好笑。At the risk of sounding rude, don't you think you'd better change for the party?冒昧说一句,你不觉得应该换套衣服参加这个聚会吗?Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral?不觉得那套衣服在葬礼上穿有点太艳了吗?Please come, if it is not inconvenient to you.如果你不觉得不方便,就请来一次。She didn't feel up to attending the party.不觉得想参加舞会。He kept the children amused for hours.他让孩子们几个小时都不觉得腻烦。You're driving rather fast, don't you think?你车开得有点儿快,你不觉得吗?She did not find housework a grind.不觉得干家务活很累。On this diet, I don't feel like I'm denying myself.按照这种饮食方案,我不觉得自己是在节食。He's a real sexy number, don't you think?他真性感,你不觉得吗?The cold was no real hardship to me.我并不觉得寒冷到难熬的地步。Aren't you a little old to run home to your mother?难道你不觉得跑回家向你母亲求助,你的年纪也太大了一点儿吗?Didn't you find her a little bit too arty?不觉得她有点太附庸风雅了吗?He was unconscious of any danger.不觉得有任何危险。His manners were a bit off, don't you think?他的态度有点冷淡,你不觉得吗?Don't you feel terrible about letting everyone down?你让大家失望就不觉得心里有愧吗?Didn't you find her a little way-out for you, a bit too arty?不觉得她对你来说有些另类,有些太做作吗?I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.我现在不觉得孤独了,因为我尝试着与人交往。Don't you think it's about time you got around to tidying your room?不觉得你现在该整理一下你的房间了吗?OK, so he went to Yale! That doesn't impress me!行,这么说他是耶鲁大学毕业的!我可不觉得这有什么了不起!The director of the factory felt no individual responsibility for the deficit.厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责。Running around a freezing hockey field isn't my idea of fun.我可不觉得在寒冷的冰球场上跑来跑去有什么好玩。Don't you think that book is too old for you?不觉得这本书是给年龄大一些的人看的,对你来说不合适吗?She thought it was funny but I didn't see anything funny about it. 她觉得这很有趣,可我一点儿也不觉得I did not feel sympathetic towards / toward them.对他们我不觉得同情。The child's readiness to help carried off his naughtiness.这个孩子乐意助人,因而人们不觉得他顽皮可厌了。A quick bonk in a lay-by is not my idea of romance.在路旁的停车处匆匆忙忙地做爱,我并不觉得浪漫。Don't you think the woman upstairs is kind of strange?不觉得楼上那女人有点怪吗?I'm sad that she's leaving, but it was not unexpected.她要离开了,我感到难过但不觉得意外。She'd never felt the need to carry the banner of feminism.她从来都不觉得有必要举着女权主义的旗帜。She is feeling no better than yesterday.她并不觉得比昨天有所好转。From his general demeanour I didn't get the impression that he was being ironical.从他整体的行为来看,我不觉得他是在讲反话。I wasn't feeling up to going mountain climbing.不觉得想去爬山。I don't feel at ease with her.我和她在一起不觉得放松。Don't you think there's an element of jealousy in all of this?不觉得所有这一切都是妒嫉在隐隐作祟?It's such a tiny office - don't you ever feel cooped up here?这间办公室这么小——你不觉得有种被囚禁的感觉吗?Don't you feel hot so close to the fire?靠火那么近,你不觉得热吗?She's very nice but I don't really find her attractive.她很不错,但我并不觉得她有吸引力。




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