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词汇 不肯
例句 Matthew kept on arguing his point, unwilling to concede defeat.马修为自己的观点辩个不休,不肯认输。He begged and pleaded, but she would not change her mind.他一再恳求,但她还是不肯改变主意。Some airmen won't go up without the moral support from some Billiken.有些飞行员没有吉祥小玩偶的精神支持是不肯起飞的。He accused the government of intransigence.他指责政府不肯让步。He's one of the politicians that wouldn't toe the party line.他是不肯服从党的路线的几个政客之一。You are obviously tired and I imagine that nothing would make you admit it.你明显是累了,但我想你是绝对不肯承认的。She refused to vacate her post even under increased pressure.尽管压力越来越大,她还是不肯辞职。The man in the store won't give him change for the phone unless he buys something.店里的人不肯给他换硬币打电话,除非他买点什么。He wouldn't say where he had picked up the information.不肯说是从哪儿得到这个消息的。His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.他的女友拒不接受事实,不肯相信他很快就要死了。Treacy refuses to budge from his principles.特里西坚持自己的原则,不肯让步。She refused to marry that con artist.不肯嫁给那个骗子。I've suggested that she should move on numerous occasions, but she never takes any notice.我曾无数次提出她应该搬家,可是她从来不肯听。Because they don't risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders.公司金融家不肯拿钱去冒险,所以被商人视为胆小鬼。At first, they refused to sign the agreement, but they caved in when they heard another firm was being approached.起先,他们不肯在协议上签字,但听说我们正跟另一个公司接洽就答应了。My father won't give me the money. He won't even lend it to me.我父亲不会给我钱,他连借给我也不肯Their attitude was slow to change.他们的态度迟迟不肯改变。Tom had been unwell for some time but had refused to see a doctor.汤姆身体不适已有一段时间,但他不肯去看医生。The audience was spellbound and seatbound.观众们看得出神,不肯离座。Most medical graduates shun posts in geriatric medicine.医科大学毕业生大都不肯做老年病方面的工作。For all your closeness, I see you are in a bad way.虽然你什么也不肯说,但我看得出来你的境遇很糟糕。 Women and the elderly refuse to leave their apartments, for fear of the hooligans who rule the streets.妇女和老人不肯离开公寓,因为他们害怕那些横行街道的流氓。Even when the crowd had scattered, the police didn't let up.即使人群散开了,警察还是不肯放过他们。She refused to go to the party out of funk.她由于胆怯不肯去参加宴会。We offered them a great deal, but they wouldn't bite. 我们开出了优厚的条件,但他们却不肯上钩。Neil didn't want to come at first, but we persuaded him.尼尔起初不肯来,但是我们把他说服了。The woman has huffed and won't trust me.那个女人生气了,不肯信任我。It riles me when he won't stop whistling.他一个劲儿地吹口哨,硬是不肯停止,把我惹火了。You're a chicken; that's why you won't climb the tree.你是个胆小鬼,所以你不肯爬树。She thought the cow had got the Indian sign when it wouldn't give any more milk.她想这头母牛不肯产奶准是着了魔了。The shy little girl held back from meeting the visitor.怕羞的小女孩退缩着不肯去见来访的客人。Are you the sort of person who likes to lounge in bed at the weekend?你是不是那种喜欢周末赖在床上不肯动的人?She was a shy, modest person, never one to push herself forward.她是个害羞而又谦虚的人,从来不肯出风头。I asked Teresa if she thought she and Liam would get married, but she wouldn't give anything away.我问特雷莎是否觉得会和利亚姆结婚,但她什么也不肯说。We all warned Susan not to marry that man, but she wouldn't listen to reason.我们所有人都警告苏珊不要嫁给那个人,可她就是不肯听忠告。She refused to wear prison clothes.不肯穿囚服。Jeff has a job in mind, but refuses to say directly what it is.杰夫心里想到一份工作,但是不肯直截了当地说出来。They refused to admit Paul to the performance because of what he was wearing.他们因为保罗的衣着而不肯让他进去看演出。The club will not let down its membership bars.俱乐部不肯取消它的限制性入会规定。I saw him trying to press a wad of cash into the woman's hand. She wouldn't take it.我看见他想把一沓钱塞进那女人的手里,她不肯拿。




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