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Violent opposition to the plan continues.对该计划的强烈反对之声仍不绝于耳。Alan found the constant noise of the traffic an annoyance.不绝于耳的交通噪音让艾伦觉得心烦。The constant noise set her nerves on edge.噪声不绝于耳,使她心烦意乱。There were persistent rumours of drug-taking among staff.职员吸毒的传言不绝于耳。I could hear the constant hum of distant traffic.我能听到远处车辆不绝于耳的嗡嗡声。The minister suffered yet another torrid day of criticism.在不绝于耳的批评声中,这位部长又挨过了难熬的一天。Drums clatter obtrusively throughout.鼓声始终不绝于耳,让人心烦。Mrs Snell's mind wandered and the voices went on and on.斯内尔太太走神了,而说话声依然不绝于耳。In the older part of the city, the clang and bang of the builders goes on all day.在老城区,建筑工人的咣咣当当声每天不绝于耳。There were the sounds of a desperate struggle.拼死搏斗的声音不绝于耳。Insults were flying back and forth.双方你来我往,谩骂声不绝于耳。 |