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I'm not feeling very well today.我今天感觉不是太好。She wasn't feeling too good yesterday but she perked up in the evening.她昨天感觉不是太好,但是到了晚上精神又好起来了。We're trying to sell the furniture, such as it is.我们在想方设法卖掉家具,虽然家具质量不是太好。The hearing in my left ear's not so good.我左耳听力不是太好。According to Sarah they're not getting on very well at the moment.据萨拉说,他们目前关系不是太好。Bus services in rural areas are not very good.乡村的公交设施不是太好。The building isn't designed very well from the point of view of wheelchair access.在轮椅通道方面,这幢大楼设计得并不是太好。John never had much luck with girls.约翰的女人缘一贯都不是太好。You don't look too well.你看上去不是太好。Her speech wasn't going down too well, but she forged on.她的演讲反响不是太好,但她还是坚持讲下去。Denise isn't very good at parking yet.丹尼斯停车还不是太好。I'm not very good at German, but I can make myself understood.我德语不是太好,不过我能说清楚自己的意思。Admittedly, our recent results have not been particularly good.必须承认的是,我们近来的成绩不是太好。 |