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词汇 不时
例句 As he marks down the prices, he stops now and then to pack things into a large bag.他一边抄价钱,一边不时停下来往一个大袋子里装东西。She listened to the story, nodding appreciatively.她听着新闻报道,不时点头表示赞许。You may find it necessary to readjust the wheels from time to time.你可能会发现不时调整轮子很有必要。Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声。A nightmare afflicts me from time to time.恶梦不时折磨着我。She opened the door and came in, her eyes leaking isolated and unpunctual tears.她开门进来,眼里不时流出一颗颗泪珠。Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.人群里不时发出几声抱怨和欢呼。She woke him at intervals throughout the night.整个晚上她不时弄醒他。The silence was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic.远处传来的车辆的隆隆声不时划破寂静。Money-lenders harry their debtors.放债者不时催逼借债人。The silence in the house was broken now and again by the ringing of the telephone.屋里的安静不时被电话铃声打破。They sat on the bench together, sometimes exchanging kisses.他们一起坐在长椅上,不时地吻来吻去。Every so often the horse's heart and lungs are checked.不时检查那匹马的心脏和肺。Occasional volleys of shellfire boomed out from beyond the walls of the city.城墙外面不时传来排炮的轰鸣声。The couple at the next table cast quick glances in our direction.邻桌的那对夫妇不时朝我们投来一瞥。She gave a great shudder of pleasure from time to time.不时因喜悦而浑身剧烈颤抖。There were flashes of brilliance from several of the players.几位选手的才华不时闪现出来。She was constantly readjusting her glasses.不时地调整她眼镜的位置。Additions are made to the list from time to time.清单上不时有东西加进去。The queen's husband has a somewhat caustic tongue, and every now and then he would drop a political brick.女王的丈夫说话有点刻薄,不时在政治问题上失言。 She stirred now and again in her sleep.她睡觉时不时翻来覆去。Stir the custard occasionally to prevent a skin forming.不时地搅拌牛奶蛋糊,防止其表面结皮。The flame of the candle fluttered in the used air as the cellar door was opened.地窖门打开时,蜡烛的火苗在污浊的空气中不时晃动。His words glinted with irony and bitterness.他的言辞中不时迸出冷嘲热讽。He read very slowly and with frequent pauses.他读得非常慢,并不时停顿。He peeped at me from time to time.不时地偷眼看我。Her controversial speech was punctuated with noisy interjections from the audience.她那颇有争议的演讲不时被听众嘈杂的插话打断。Make sure you take a break every once in a while.你务必要不时地休息一下。He didn't sleep well last night, dreamed and woke in jerks.昨天晚上他没睡好,老做梦,还不时惊醒。Now and then I referred a client to him.不时地介绍客户给他。I heard the occasional ring of a bicycle bell in the night.我听到夜里不时响起自行车铃声。She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine.经验告诉她在日常生活中要不时休息一下。She was thrusting in a question or two occasionally.不时地插嘴提出一两个问题。She changed the baby often.不时地给婴孩换尿布。The pain has been inconsistent.疼痛不时出现。She ran, treading on broken twigs and stumbling over roots.她跑了起来,脚下踩着折断了的细树枝,不时被树根绊一下。She slept in snatches through the day.她一整天都睡得很不安稳,不时醒来。He has a trick of pulling at his collar.他有不时地拉扯自己衣领的习惯。He threw in a word or two from time to time.不时地插上一两句话。Now and again the hunter could hear a long-drawn dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发出的拖长的哀嚎。




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