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词汇 不抽烟
例句 He doesn't drink or smoke. He's a real straight arrow.他既不抽烟也不喝酒,是个循规蹈矩的人。I've never smoked.我从不抽烟Single room in lovely flat, roof terrace, non-smoking prof., woman pref.舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。The respondents were grouped into three categories - non-smokers, smokers, and ex-smokers.受访者分为三类一不抽烟的、抽烟的和曾经抽过烟的。I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。He doesn't drink alcohol or smoke.他不喝酒,不抽烟This part of the restaurant is reserved for non-smokers.餐厅的这个区域留给不抽烟的人。She neither drinks, smokes, nor eats meat.她不喝酒,不抽烟,也不吃肉。Non-smokers get cheaper health insurance.不抽烟的人买健康保险更便宜。You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.保持身体健康有多种办法,包括注意饮食、做运动、有良好的生活习惯、不抽烟等等。Sue considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked.休认为自己品行非常端正,因为她既不喝酒也不抽烟He neither drinks nor smokes.他既不喝酒也不抽烟I know he doesn't smoke or drink but I wish he wasn't so holier-than-thou.我知道他既不抽烟也不喝酒,但我希望他别那么自命清高。He doesn't smoke or drink.不抽烟也不喝酒。




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