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词汇 不得体
例句 His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the armed services.作为一名军官,他的举止极不得体A few pertinent remarks may not be amiss here.在此附带说几句有关的话不能说不得体吧。I was surprised by his lack of tact.他这样不得体让我感到惊讶。He told a joke about death that I thought was in poor taste considering that Steve's father had just died.他讲了一个关于死亡的笑话,我觉得很不得体,因为史蒂夫的父亲刚去世不久。His choice of words was clumsy.他的措词很不得体Picking one's teeth at the dinner table isn't done.在餐桌上剔牙是不得体的。Showing affection in public just isn't done in Japan.在公开场合表示爱意在日本是不得体的。It was an unfortunate choice of words.如此措辞很不得体He quickly corrected his unfortunate slip of the tongue.他很快纠正了自己不得体的口误。His tactless remark killed the conversation.他一句不得体的话使谈话无法继续下去了。If you go to a club and you don't look right, you're sneered at.如果你去俱乐部时穿得不得体,就会受到怠慢。His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.作为一名英军军官,他的行为极不得体On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.周五他表现得既不得体又有失身份。如此失态非常罕见。Fundamentalist groups have attacked women they regarded as improperly dressed.原教旨主义团体严厉抨击那些他们认为穿着不得体的女性。Incorrectness in speech was considered a great fault in a gentleman.对一位绅士而言,言辞不得体被认为是一大缺点。It was very tasteless. Fancy talking like that so soon after his death.这真是太不得体了。真想不到在他尸骨未寒时就那么说话。He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.他否认声明不得体、不近人情。It was a bit tactless of you to start talking about her ex-boyfriend.你真是不得体,提起她以前的男朋友。They descended into a rather unseemly argument about money.他们自贬身份,很不得体地为了钱而争吵。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。They were careful to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. 他们小心谨慎,任何有不得体之嫌的事都不去做。His tactless remarks were enough to raise anyone's hackles.不得体的话语足以激起任何人的怒火。He came to school improperly dressed.他来上学时穿着很不得体They were dressed inappropriately for such a formal affair.参加如此正式的活动,他们的穿着不得体Rowney's behaviour was inappropriate for a meeting of this nature.罗尼的行为举止对于这种会议是不得体的。She acknowledged her remark had been in bad taste.她承认她的话语很不得体Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral.举行葬礼时嘻笑逗乐都是不得体的。Most of my uncle's jokes are not in good taste.我叔叔讲的笑话大部分都不得体Unfortunately, on Friday night he showed neither decency nor dignity.不幸的是,周五晚上他表现得既不得体,也不庄重。Her outfit was a bit trashy.她的服装有点不得体That isn't done in higher circles.这在上流圈子是不得体的。She considered it poor etiquette to invite people over and then cancel just the day before.她认为发出邀请后又在前一天将其取消是很不得体的。Some people felt that her behavior wasn't in good taste.有些人觉得她的举止不得体It would be gauche to mention the price.提及价格是不得体的。I'm afraid you spoke amiss.恐怕你讲得不得体Loud laughter during a wedding ceremony is indecorous.婚礼上狂笑是不得体的。




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