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词汇 bought
例句 We bought a car with air-conditioning.我们买了一辆带空调的轿车。We bought a new carpet for the bedroom.我们为卧室买了一块新地毯。They bought a converted mews.他们买了座由马厩改建成的住房。They bought some land and built a house.他们买了些地,建了一栋房子。Dad has finally seen the light and bought a computer.爸爸终于开窍,买了一台计算机。She bought a planter to put on their deck.她买了个花盆放在他们的平台上。They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them off as valuable antiques.他们收购旧家具,然后假称它们是值钱的古董。I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。I like them, so I bought quite a few.我喜欢它们,所以我买了很多。He carded me when I bought cigarettes/beer.我买烟/酒时,他要我出示证件。My mother bought two doublets of goblets.我妈妈买了两对酒杯。I nearly bought the farm when my car skidded off the road.当汽车滑出道路时,我差点丢了性命。He bought six old bicycles and renovated them.他买了六辆旧自行车并对它们进行了整修。She's just bought a loft in Manhattan.她刚在曼哈顿买了一个改建的阁楼居室。I bought the desk already assembled.我买了一张早已组装好的书桌。They bought sausages for the picnic.他们为野餐买了香肠。My husband bought me a knitting machine for Christmas but I still haven't figured out how it works.圣诞节时丈夫给我买了台编织机,可我现在还没弄明白它怎么用。She bought a nice bunch of grapes.她买了一串好葡萄。I bought some ointment to cure a stye.我买了一些药膏来治疗睑腺炎。We've just bought a new coffee-coloured rug for the living room.我们刚买了一条咖啡色的新地毯,打算铺在客厅。We bought a Danish phrase book.我买了一本丹麦常用语手册。I bought these jeans at half price in the sale.我在特卖会上以半价买了这条牛仔裤。We bought both sofas from a big furniture warehouse out of town.这两张沙发都是我们在城外的一家大型家具店里买的。I bought a bag of salted peanuts.我买了一包咸花生米。I couldn't think of anything else so I just bought her a soppy card and some flowers.我想不出买什么好,就给她买了张措词造作的贺卡和一些花。Many slaves bought their freedom with what they saved from farming.许多奴隶用耕作攒下的钱赎回自由身。She's bought a very smart trouser suit for her job interviews.她为了求职面试买了一套漂亮的衣裤套装。We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter.我们添置了一些御寒的衣服以迎接即将来临的冬季。We bought three meal tickets at the fair.我们在集市上买了三张餐券。The roses wilted the day after she bought them.她买的玫瑰第二天就凋谢了。She's bought a fridge, a freezer, a microwave, and lots of other things besides.她买了冰箱、冰柜、微波炉,此外,还买了许多其他的东西。Once he shows he can be bought, they settle down to a regular payment.一旦他表现出可以被收买,他们就会定期向他行贿。She bought the whole lot.她全部买了下来。I knew nothing about car maintenance when I first bought my car.我刚买汽车时对汽车保养一无所知。She bought me dinner in exchange for helping her move. 她请我吃晚饭作为帮她搬家的回报。She bought a packet of sweets to suck on the way.她买了一包糖果在路上吃。They bought a small lot behind the church.他们买下了教堂后面的一小块地。He bought a full-size snooker table.他买了一张标准尺寸的斯诺克球台。The rubber spatula, which can be bought almost anywhere, is indispensable for scraping sauces out of bowls and pans, for stirring, folding, creaming, and smearing.橡皮铲哪都买得到,不管是要从锅碗里刮出酱汁,还是搅拌,卷东西,做奶油泡或是涂涂抹抹,都少不了这件法宝。More than half of all confectionery is bought on impulse.半数以上的糖果是一时兴起买下的。




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