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例句 The premier still has not lost the common touch.这位总理仍不失平易近人的美德。He maintained his dignity throughout the trial.在整个审讯过程中他始终不失尊严。He happily conceded the election.不失风度地承认了自己选举失败。The defeated candidate gave a dignified speech in which he congratulated his rival.落败的候选人发表了不失尊严的讲话,祝贺对手获胜。The family faced their ordeal with dignity.这一家人在磨难面前不失尊严。He needed a way to retreat with his dignity intact.他需要一条可不失尊严的退路。She made a dignified departure.不失尊严地离去。A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity.一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简单大方。His refusal was firm but polite.他的拒绝坚定而不失礼貌。She handles her problems with grace and dignity.她处理自己的问题,既有尊严又不失风度。I want to follow a diet that is healthful without sacrificing taste.我想要遵循一种既健康又不失美味的饮食习惯。She knew she must not come on strong. She had chosen an outfit that was casual and yet had a touch of elegance.她明白自己不该招摇;于是挑选了一套很随便而又不失雅致的衣着。She was able to ask for their help without sacrificing her dignity.她能够不失尊严地向他们求助。He was a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant, clothes.他是个巴罗克式的人物,衣着华丽但又不失优雅。Her books are a mixture of playfulness and profundity.她写的书既富趣味又不失深刻。He always has his wits about him.他一向不失急智。She had not lost her grace and style.她依然仪态优雅,不失风度。We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so.我们在不失礼节的情况下提早离开了聚会。The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。They spoke to me very seriously but politely.他们非常严肃却不失礼貌地和我说话。He's made it to the top without losing the common touch.他虽已晋升高位,却仍然不失亲民本色。I made what I hoped was a dignified exit.我以自己希望的不失尊严的方式退场。




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