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词汇 不出所料
例句 It was a predictably bad movie. 不出所料,这是一部烂片。Predictably, the eggheads thrashed the normals in the quiz.不出所料,在这个测试中学究们轻松地击败了普通人。Not surprisingly, the jury found them guilty.不出所料,陪审团判定他们有罪。Typically, he was late.不出所料,他迟到了。As expected, they lost the election.不出所料,他们输掉了选举。True to form, she refused.不出所料,她拒绝了。Typically, Elaine was half an hour late.不出所料,伊莱恩迟到了半个小时。Predictably, after the initial media interest, the refugees now seem to have been forgotten.不出所料,媒体最初的兴趣过后,现在看来难民们已被忘记了。The movie was, not surprisingly, a huge commercial success for Jordan.这部电影不出所料,让乔丹在商业上取得了巨大的成功。As expected, the kids put up a fuss when we said it was time for bed.不出所料,当我们喊孩子们上床睡觉的时候,他们又大惊小怪一番。Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.不出所料,她的老师对她有点恼火了。As expected, the kittens hid when I walked into the room.不出所料,当我进屋的时候小猫们都藏起来了。I told them the news. They were all suitably amazed.我把消息告诉了他们。不出所料,他们都很惊讶。As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news.不出所料,全家人对这个消息都感到震惊。Not surprisingly, this excuse was too much for them to swallow.不出所料,他们无法接受这个借口。Predictably, a crowd gathered to watch the fire.不出所料,火灾现场聚集了一群人围观。The show's been cancelled? Typical!表演取消啦?不出所料As expected, the election was very close.不出所料,此次选举势均力敌。Predictably, anti-gay moralists thundered that, with this ruling, the institution of marriage and the welfare of children are in peril.不出所料,反对同性恋的说教者们高声谴责说,这个裁定一出,婚姻制度和儿童福祉便岌岌可危了。Not surprisingly, he agreed.不出所料,他同意了。As you might imagine, the Conservatives are delighted at Blair's embarrassment.不出所料,保守党对布莱尔的窘境感到幸灾乐祸。It's typical, just when we might win, two of our players got injured.不出所料,就在我们可能赢的时候,两名队员受伤了。She flicked her eyes up to make certain I was suitably impressed.她抬眼瞟了瞟,以确定我不出所料地被打动了。Tulsa beat New Mexico as expected in last night's game.在昨天晚上的比赛中,塔尔萨队不出所料,打败了新墨西哥队。We were finally ready to go outside, and sure enough, it started to rain.我们最后准备出发时,不出所料,天开始下雨了。Unsurprisingly, not everyone agrees that things are better.不出所料,并非人人都认同情况有所好转。As anticipated, the hall was crowded.不出所料,礼堂里挤满了人。True to form, Tony asked to borrow some more money.不出所料,托尼又开口借钱了。The party has predictably rejected the proposals as a subterfuge.不出所料,该党以这些提议是在耍花招为由而加以拒绝。Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public enquiry.不出所料,昨天政府宣布准备进行公开调查。As expected, management said the workers' pay claim was too high.不出所料,资方说工人们的加薪要求太高了。




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