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词汇 不公正
例句 She thinks motorboats get a bum rap from environmentalists.她认为摩托艇遭到了环保主义者不公正的指责。The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful.批评既不公正又无济于事。Thousands of political prisoners remain imprisoned, frequently as a result of unfair trials.经常由于不公正的审判,成千上万名政治犯一直被关在监狱里。They refused to submit to the unjust decision.他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。Corcoran called the accusations unjust and one-sided.科科伦说这种指控不公正而且片面。You're being so unfair.你真是太不公正了。The government ought not to enforce unjust laws.政府不应该让不公正的法律付诸实施。The students were getting a rough deal from the university.大学生遭到校方的不公正对待。The attacks on Walters in the newspaper have been entirely unfair.报纸上对沃尔特斯的攻击完全是不公正的。You will see with your own eyes cruelties and injustices.你将亲眼看到种种残暴和不公正的行为。We want to see an end to this kind of below-the-belt discrimination.我们希望消除这种不公正的歧视。The sailors struck sails in protest of grievances.水手们降下篷帆以抗议不公正的待遇。Channel 4 is running a series on the unfairness of the legal system.第四频道正在播出揭露法律体系不公正之处的系列节目。The qualification of his policy as opportunist is unfair.把他的政策称为机会主义是不公正的。He claims that he was unfairly penalized.他声称受到了不公正的处罚。They should repeal this unjust law.他们应该废除这条不公正的法律。The victims were treated unequally.受害者受到了不公正的对待。We should cry out against injustice and cruelty wherever we find it.不管在哪里,只要发现不公正的现象和暴行,我们就应该抗议。The trial was unfair from the beginning because there was no presumption of innocence.审判从开始就是不公正的,因为没有无罪假定。I don't want to be unfair, but you have to admit she behaved stupidly.我不想显得不公正,但你不得不承认她表现得很愚蠢。I refuse to demean myself by replying to these unjust accusations.我不想降低身份去回应这些不公正的指控。They'll continue to fight injustice.他们会继续与不公正作斗争。It symbolizes the belief that there is an element of real wrongness in this world.它象征著这个世界上有真正的不公正的因素这样一个信念。She complained bitterly about the unfairness of it all.她愤愤不平地抱怨整件事是多么不公正The monstrous injustice of his words took her breath away.他那荒谬且不公正的言辞使她目瞪口呆。Who will reform our unfair electoral system?谁将改革我们不公正的选举制度呢?Children are often powerless to fight back when they are treated unfairly.孩子们受到不公正的待遇时,通常无力反抗。I find what you say monstrous.我觉得你说的话不公正They were treated badly on account of their beliefs.他们因为自己的信仰而受到了不公正的待遇。He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness.他使自己得到了一个不公正的名声。England have had a rough deal from referees in this tournament.英格兰队在本届大赛中受到了裁判不公正的判罚。I told him it wasn't fair to treat her any differently.我跟他说,对她不是一视同仁很不公正He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.真搞不懂为什么这个人就该受到如此不公正的待遇。You shouldn't put up with such shabby treatment.你不应该忍受如此不公正的对待。He is so constituted that he can accept unjust criticism without getting angry.他生来就是那种能忍受不公正的批评而不发火的人。We're getting a raw deal with the new tax laws.新税法实施后,我们受到了不公正的待遇。The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity.这位作家探讨了人类的不公正与邪恶。They wanted to fight all forms of injustice and repression.他们要与各种形式的不公正和压制行为作斗争。Our school district was short-sheeted by the state government.州政府对我们学区不公正




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