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词汇 不公
例句 Mick was fulminating against the unfairness of it all.米克在控诉这一切的不公We must denounce injustice and oppression.我们必须对不公和压迫现象予以谴责。Wallowing in angst about the unfairness of it all will just make the problem worse.一味地担忧此事不公只会使问题变得更糟。He was determined to take revenge; to pay them back in their own coin for the wrongs they had done to him.他发誓要报复;他们对他不公,他要以其人之道还治其人之身。How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust.生活多么离奇,多么莫测,多么不公啊!She was acclaimed for speaking out against injustice.她因为大胆抨击不公现象而受到赞扬。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。No one can right all the wrongs in the world.没人能够矫正世界上所有的不公之事。I really do feel that some people are being unfair.我真的觉得一些人处事不公They treated her unfairly.他们待她不公The law is part of an effort to correct an old injustice.这一法律是为纠正旧的不公而做出的努力的一部分。They resented the injustices of the system.他们怨恨制度的种种不公He feels that they have judged him unfairly.他觉得他们对他的评价不公The weak punishment does an injustice to the criminal's victims.轻罚罪犯是对受害者的不公She has been a warrior against social injustice.她一直是一名反对社会不公的斗士。The article does them both an injustice.那篇文章对他们俩都不公Individuals can feel that inequity exists when they are undercompensated.人在得不到足够补偿时会觉得存在不公We see cruelty and injustice happen, but we pass by on the other side.我们目睹了暴行与不公,但我们袖手旁观。Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.米尔恩以辞职来抗议唐纳德所遭受的不公待遇。In its present form, the law could lead to new injustices.以其目前的形式而言,这项法规可能会带来新的不公The referee was charged with a lack of disinterest.裁判员被指责不公Many had complained about the usage they'd received at his hands.很多人都曾抱怨在他手下受到了不公待遇。Newly discovered evidence showed that there had been a miscarriage of justice.有新发现的证据表明存在着司法不公Being blamed unfairly evokes feelings of humiliation, unfairness, anger, and resentment.受到不公平的指责使人感觉屈辱、不公、气愤和怨恨。The company's treatment of women was shabby.这家公司对待女性十分不公Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs.不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。He sat alone, ruminating on the injustice of the world.他独自坐着,思考世事的不公Chang spoke with great feeling about the injustices of the regime.张情绪激奋地讲述了该政权的不公之处。This sort of arrangement is not fair on the players, and not fair on the fans.这种安排对选手不公,对拥护者也不公Sorry to harp on about the injustice of my predicament.抱歉,我老是在诉说自己处境的不公They see the injustice and want to help.他们看到了其中的不公,因而想要出手相助。Their boss made a one-sided judgement.他们的上司作出了不公的判断。What about the unfairness of life? Why do bad things happen to good people?那怎么解释人生的不公呢?为什么坏事会降临在好人头上?She devoted her life to fighting poverty/injustice.她将自己的生命投入到消除贫困/不公的事业之中。There is strong prima facie evidence of a miscarriage of justice.具有有利的表面证据证明司法不公It is grossly unfair to impute blame to the United Nations.把责任归咎于联合国极其不公In many ways, the cards are stacked against immigrants. 在很多方面,移民会遭遇不公及困境。The law is being applied inequitably. 目前,这一法律的实施尚存在不公I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice.我希望建立一个没有剥削和不公的社会。The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed, but in a recession the injustices become more painful.虽然巨大的贫富差距一直存在,但在经济萧条期,这种不公造成的痛楚更加强烈。




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