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例句 The case was thrown out because of insufficient evidence.由于证据不足,法庭对此案不予受理。The plaintiff's right to set aside the deed is barred by laches.原告解约的权利由于迟迟不予行使而不得再行提出。My insurance excludes acts of sabotage and damage done by weapons of war.我购买的保险对于蓄意损坏以及战争中武器造成的损坏不予赔偿。Essays handed in late will not be accepted.迟交的文章不予接收。When the generality of the electorate is doing badly, the mood will grow pessimistic.当多数选民都不予以支持时,情绪就会变得悲观起来。He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.他一直举棋不定,找出种种理由不予成交。Every metaphor contains within it implicit, unstated assumptions about what is real and what is not.每个隐喻都含有关于真与假的不予言明的含蓄假设。He didn't answer but went on talking generalities.不予答复,只是继续泛泛而谈。He made no response to my question.他对我的问题不予回答。The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.法官已经作了最终判决,来函将一概不予受理。The library reserves the right to deny circulation of any item determined to be fragile or difficult to replace.对于任何被认定为易损或难以替代的书目,图书馆有权不予外借。The lawyers were disappointed by the court's denial of their motion to dismiss the case.让那些律师感到失望的是,法院驳回了他们要求不予受理此案的请求。If untreated, a canker in your dog's ear can cause death.如果不予治疗,耳溃疡可以造成你的狗死亡。We reserve the right to eject without notice any objectionable person.我们对不受欢迎的人保留事先不予告知加以驱逐的权利。Others who were guilty were being allowed to get off scot-free.其他犯罪人员不予处罚。She was incensed by the decision not to prosecute him.对他不予起诉的决定把她惹怒了。Manufacturers void their warranties if the labels have been tampered with.若擅自涂抹标签,厂家不予保修。Judge Hyam ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.海厄姆法官裁定该证据不予采信。Any student caught copying will fail the test.被发现抄袭的学生该门考试将不予及格。It was a shock to hear him rule that my testimony would be disallowed.听到他定决我的证词不予采纳时,我很震惊。The judge did not admit the evidence on the grounds that it was immaterial.法官以证据无关紧要为由不予采信。Union officials made no apologies for the threatened chaos.工会干部们对于迫在眉睫的混乱局面不予道歉。Acts of God, terrorism, and wars are excluded by the policy.本保单对由于不可抗力、恐怖活动和战争造成的损失不予赔付。For years, the government has dismissed our worries as unfounded.多年来,政府一直认为我们是瞎担心而不予受理。She slapped him and called him names, but he didn't react.她打他并辱骂他,但他不予回应。It was very rude of them not to answer.他们不予回答是很失礼的。It would be perverse to refuse to support this plea.对于这种请愿不予支持是有悖常情的。Policemen are not allowed to smoke while on duty.警察不予许在值班时间抽烟。He ordered the jury to disregard the witness's last statement.他命令陪审团对证人的最后一句话不予采信。I move that the case be dismissed.我提议对该案不予受理。They preferred to let the destructive stories ride without reply.他们宁愿听任这些毁灭性的报道流传而不予回答。There will be no refund for cancellations.取消者不予退款。Photographs submitted for publication will not be returned.提交发表的照片一律不予退还。No returns are allowed on sale merchandise.降价出售的商品不予退货。Congress voted not to approve the President's plans for cutting the arms budget.国会投票表决,对总统缩减军备预算的计划不予通过。The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者协会声称银行不予告知有利率优惠来宰客。There is normally no refund should a client choose to cancel.客户若要取消服务,通常不予退款。




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