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词汇 不一致
例句 There seems to be a contradiction between her words and actions.她的言行似乎不一致When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there's trouble.合伙人目标不一致时就会有麻烦。What you say is inconsistent with what you do.你的言行不一致There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision.人们对这个决定的反应非常不一致All the details are there and are correct but they don't cohere.所有的细节都摆在那里而且都正确,但是它们并不一致As children grow up, they drift away from their parents' views.孩子们长大了,开始同父母的看法不一致了。Her ideas on the subject were not ones I shared.她对这个问题的意见和我的不一致The judge decided the evidence was inherently weak and inconsistent.法官判定证据本质上无说服力而且前后不一致The two statements just don't agree.这两种说法就是不一致On this matter he diverged from the views of his colleagues.在这件事情上,他与同事们的看法不一致The facts refused to fit my preconceptions.事实与我事先的想法不一致There is some inconsistency in her argument.她的论点有前后不一致的地方。The presentation of love in `Troilus and Criseyde' is not consistent.《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》中对爱情的描述前后不一致If it's your word against the police officer's, the jury are going to believe him.如果你的话与那名警察的话不一致,陪审团就会相信警察。The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent.具有讽刺意味的是,华盛顿的很多官员都私下里承认他们的政策前后不一致Her opinions jar with yours.她的意见和你不一致Her comments revealed a nervousness that seemed out of keeping with her calm appearance.她的评论显露出一种紧张情绪,这似乎与她镇定的外表不一致Some of the soldiers were marching out of sync.有些士兵行进时与其他士兵步伐不一致The two statements are not consistent.这两份声明不一致The figures he cites clash with previous figures.他援引的数字与早先的数字不一致Our answers to the problem disagreed.我们对这个问题的回答不一致It is common to distinguish between personal and social ethics.个人道德准则和社会道德准则常常不一致The door is not true to the frame.这门与门框的尺寸不一致His deeds don't match his words.他的言行不一致She was out of sync with the other dancers.她与其他舞者步调不一致The company is inconsistent in the way it disciplines staff.公司惩戒职工的办法前后不一致There is disagreement between these two estimates.这两种估计不一致His statement was inconsistent with other accounts of the events.关于这些事件他的说法与其他人不一致His version of events does not accord with witnesses' statements.他对事件的说法和目击者们的陈述不一致They jogged in silence a while, out of step.他们一言不发地慢跑了一会儿,步伐也不一致The subject doesn't agree with the verb.主语和动词不一致We haven't agreed about where to go.我们对于去哪里意见还不一致His views on the question do not square with mine.他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致His actions do not assort with his promises.他的行动和他的诺言不一致Our ways of looking at these problems don't mesh.我们观察这些问题的方法并不一致The evidence is not consistent.证据前后不一致Their descriptions of the accident were inconsistent.他们对那场事故的描述不一致The theory does not seem compatible with his other ideas.这个理论似乎与他的其他想法不一致Tokyo didn't want to be left out of step with weekend levels overseas.东京不想与海外周末休假标准不一致The move represented a departure from the government's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.这一行动与政府为此次危机寻求和平解决办法的承诺不一致




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