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词汇 不一样
例句 We have opposite viewpoints on almost everything.我们几乎对所有事情的看法都不一样The colours look different in daylight.在日光下这些颜色看起来不一样了。All ovens are different, and cooking times can vary significantly.所有的烤箱都不一样,烘烤时间也大不相同。All the clocks in the office are out of sync. 办公室里所有的钟显示的时间都不一样The two designs are similar but not the same. Which do you prefer?这两种设计相似但不一样。你喜欢哪一种?I had walked down this road many times before, but somehow today it seemed different.这条路我以前走过许多次,但今天不知何故好像不一样了。He dresses differently now that he's out of college.既然他已走出大学校门,穿着也就不一样了。She's unlike anyone I've ever met.她和我见过的任何人都不一样He's different now that he's been to college.他现在上了大学,与以前不一样了。The two children are so unalike.这两个孩子太不一样了。Flowers and chocolates are always sure things , but consider giving your wife something different this year.送鲜花和巧克力一准儿会给人以好感,但今年考虑给你妻子送个不一样的礼物吧。There are variations in prices from store to store for the product.在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样People often look different after embalming.尸体经过防腐处理后,人看起来常常不一样In their own work they may have favoured the use of methodology different from mine.他们在做自己的工作时,也许更喜欢使用和我的做法不一样的一套方法。There was no difference between the twin sisters except in height.那对孪生姐妹除了身高不一样外其他没有什么差别。Long distance runners follow a different training programme from other athletes.长跑运动员的训练计划跟其他运动员的不一样Glover was different to the rest of us. The son of university people. A smart aleck.格洛弗和我们大家都不一样。这家伙父母读过大学,自作聪明。He has no tolerance for people who are not like him.他不能容忍与他不一样的人。Things look different by the light of day.物体在日光下看起来不一样Opinions vary widely on this matter.在这件事上大家看法很不一样Real life is not like it is in the movies.现实生活和电影里的不一样Her feet are of unequal size.她的两只脚大小不一样It's indicative of the change in Rachel that this year she is having a big birthday party.今年蕾切尔要举办一个大型生日聚会,从这一点可以看出来她和以前不一样了。His interests increasingly diverged from those of his colleagues.他的兴趣和同事们越来越不一样了。He seemed different than he did in New York.他和在纽约时好像不一样了。I am not a clone of my father. He and I are very different people.我不是我父亲的翻版。我跟他很不一样The place is different from the usual run of restaurants.这地方和普通的饭店不一样You get nicknamed if you have any sort of peculiarity.如果你有任何跟别人不一样的地方,就会被人起外号。Unlike many writers of the period, she is not preoccupied with morality.与许多当代作家不一样,她并非只关注道德问题。Things just won't be the same without Sam.萨姆不在,情况就不一样了。Our tastes and interests are so different.我们的爱好和兴趣太不一样了。His plans for the company did not accord with my own.他对公司的规划和我的不一样I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。As an American growing up in Africa, I always felt a sense of otherness.作为一名成长在非洲的美国人,我总感觉和别人不一样The models differ in size and shape.这些模型的大小和外形都不一样Monthly interest costs vary.每个月的利息费用都不一样Tammy was unlike any other woman I have ever known.塔米和我认识的其他女人都不一样Movie scenes are not shot in the order in which they are shown.电影镜头拍摄的先后和放映顺序是不一样的。If anything, Sloan's uneasiness deepened.如果说有什么不一样的话,那就是斯隆变得越来越不安了。Things were different back then.那时情况很不一样




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