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词汇 下属
例句 The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.行动小组通过将其任务分配给多个下属小组来完成工作。Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates.当经理的得决定可以给自己的下属多少自由。He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。We had a role reversal. I became the leader and he became the follower.我们进行了角色转换。我变成了领导,他变成了下属He is complimentary of his subordinates.他称赞他的下属They are planning a major revamp of their factories.他们正计划对他们下属的各家工厂作一次重大的改组。Nearly all her subordinates adored her.几乎所有的下属都崇拜她。I didn't take his rebuff too personally, since I was used to his habit of being rude to his juniors.他的拒绝我不大在意,因为我已经习惯了他对下属总是很无礼。On the death of the captain, the officer next in order of seniority assumed command.上尉死后,级别最高的下属军官接管了指挥权。He demands absolute obedience from his men.他要求下属绝对服从。She surrounded herself with underlings who were too afraid of her to answer back.她身边围满了噤若寒蝉的下属He treated those below him as equals.他以平等的态度对待下属She leaves the day-to-day running of the firm to her subordinates.她把公司的日常管理工作交给下属Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked.由于亨利不喜欢授权下属办事,所以他自己总是劳累过度。The sales and advertising departments are both part of the marketing division.销售科和广告科都是市场部的下属部门。She communicated her ideas to her subordinates.她把她的意见传达给下属Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.斯塔尔茨把控制权交给了他的下属The governor keeps making outrageous statements, forcing his staff to spend most of their time doing damage control.州长不断发表言辞激烈的讲话,勒令下属竭尽全力将损失减到最低。Line managers are responsible for their own and their staff's development.部门经理对他们个人以及下属的发展负责。The idea of being evaluated by subordinates makes some managers uneasy.想到要由下属来评估自己,一些经理感到不安。American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.美国制造业机构一直在通过裁员缩小下属工厂规模。He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots.他期待下属对他谦恭有礼,而并不希望他们拍马奉承。Costello will have five direct subordinates.科斯特洛将会有五个直接领导的下属Sometimes he deputed the interrogation to a subordinate.有时,他把审讯的工作交给下属It is a bit irregular to promote a man so soon.如此匆匆擢升下属有些不正常。He often rates his subordinates.他常常训斥下属His main weakness as a manager is his inability to delegate.作为经理,他的主要弱点在于不知道如何把工作分配给下属I am your bitch, use me as you will.我是你的下属,有事请随便吩咐。She was liked both by colleagues and subordinates.她受到同级同事和下属的喜爱。She was an exacting woman to work for.她是一位对下属要求严格的女性。The Association provides information on affiliated clubs.协会提供下属俱乐部的资料。He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates.他把例行检查交给了一个下属负责。He is righteous in the treatment of his subordinates.他公正地对待下属He complained of the slackness of his inferiors.他对下属的懈怠表示不满。He wouldn't listen to my beef against his subordinates.他不愿听我对他下属所发的牢骚。Keppler kept all his men in suspense until that morning before announcing which two would be going.开普勒让所有的下属都焦急地等待着,直到那天上午才宣布哪两个人去。He was as keen to divide and rule his subordinates as ever.他一向热衷于把自己的下属分而治之。




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