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词汇 上高
例句 Chemistry was my favorite subject in high school.化学是我上高中时最喜欢的学科。In the village market, the stalls are piled high with local vegetables.村子集市的摊位上高高地堆着当地产的蔬菜。She was nominated for prom queen in high school.上高中时曾被提名为舞会皇后。He was on the wrestling team in high school.上高中时是学校摔跤队的。In high school I was scared to death of you.上高中时我怕你怕得要命。When I was in highschool disco was already on the way out.上高中的时候,迪斯科已经开始过时了。She's been a bulimic since high school.上高中开始她就一直是个贪食症患者。Learner drivers are not allowed on the motorways.学习驾车者不得开车上高速路。A fountain of sparks shot high into the sky.一阵火花蹿上高空。He was a nobody in high school.上高中时是个无名之辈。What's the best way to get to the motorway from here?从这里上高速公路的最佳路线怎么走?I sweated through geometry in high school.上高中时一直为几何烦恼不已。You don't ask people to fork out every time they drive up the motorways.不能要求人们每次开车上高速公路都要交费。Annoying commercials blared out from the television.电视上高声播放着烦人的广告。Where do you go to high school?你在哪里上高中?I was unpopular in high school.上高中时人缘不好。He was busy behind a pile of papers on his desk.他在桌子上高高堆起的文件后面忙碌着。He was stuck on her for a while in high school.上高中时,他有一段时间痴恋着她。She was a jock in high school and led her basketball team to the state championship.上高中时她是名运动员,曾带领她所在的篮球队打入州锦标赛。They put their first band together when they were in high school.上高中的时候,他们就组建了自己的第一支乐队。He had the reputation of being a troublemaker in high school.上高中时是出了名的捣蛋鬼。It's very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads are wet.在潮湿的路面上高速驾驶是很危险的。Back in high school, all the kids thought he was a dork. 上高中时,所有的孩子都认为他是个呆瓜。There is a more direct route straight up the motorway.有条更近的路可直接上高速公路。He was a real geek in high school.上高中时很不合群。In high school, she was placed in advanced math and science classes.上高中时,她被安排学习高等数学和自然科学课程。Brad was the captain of his high school football team.布拉德上高中时是学校足球队的队长。"Darwin" was the nickname he was given at high school, because of his interest in science.上高中的时候外号叫“达尔文”,因为他对科学很感兴趣。Students at the school can even take lessons in golf.学校里的学生甚至可以上高尔夫球的课。The television blared out annoying commercials.电视上高声播放着烦人的广告。There was a queue of traffic waiting to get onto the motorway.车辆排着队等待上高速公路。He was a real nerd in high school - I can't believe he's so handsome now.上高中的时候呆头呆脑——我简直无法相信他现在这么帅。The baby cooed happily on the rug.宝宝在地毯上高兴地喃喃自语。He had the reputation of being a lone wolf in high school.上高中时就出了名地不合群。




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