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词汇 上演
例句 The play's eroticism shocked audiences when it was first performed.该剧最初上演时,其色情场面使观众大为震惊。The company is putting on a performance of the popular musical 'Cats'.该公司正在上演热门音乐剧《猫》。This is a play which to the best of my knowledge has never been performed in Britain.就我所知,这是一出从未在英国上演过的戏。The show will be in both New York and London.演出将在纽约和伦敦两地上演The Almeida Theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.阿尔梅达剧院最近上演的歌剧招致评论家大加贬斥。The play opened with no heraldry to speak of.那出戏事先未作什么宣传就上演了。The play opened last week to universal acclaim.这出戏上周上演后获得一致好评。The network has several new dramas lined up for the fall season.该电视网有好几个新剧等着在秋季上演The musical is now playing at the Victoria Palace.那部音乐剧正在维多利亚宫剧院上演What's on the box now?此刻电视在上演什么节目? More than 60 youngsters will perform in the play at Old Town Theater in Los Gatos.在洛斯加托斯古镇剧院上演的这出戏中,将有六十多个年轻人参加演出。You cannot stage a Verdi opera without a chorus.没有合唱队你无法上演威尔第的歌剧。The Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of 'Over the Bridge'.利里克剧院正在上演新排的《桥对面》。The National Theatre is presenting "King Lear' later this month.国家剧院本月晚些时候将上演《李尔王》。The play was an instant success.此剧一上演即获成功。She is currently to be seen at the National Theatre playing the title role in "Queen Christina".她现在正在国家剧院上演的《克里斯蒂娜女王》中扮演剧名角色。The play was performed out of doors. 戏剧在户外上演The new play at the Empire Theatre was a complete fiasco.在帝国大戏院上演的新戏完全失败了。Over the next two years, the company is putting on the complete works of Brecht.今后两年公司将上演布莱希特的全部戏剧。There was a lot of trash-talking going on throughout the game.整场比赛上演了不少口水战。The long-running musical "Jesus Christ Superstar' is to close after more than 3,000 performances.上演了很长时间的音乐剧《万世巨星》在表演了三千多场后即将落幕。He will star in the Los Angeles production of "Phantom of the Opera' this year.今年,他将主演在洛杉矶上演的《歌剧魅影》。Last week a new comedy opened at the theatre.一出新的喜剧上星期在戏院开始上演The National Theatre's production is memorably staged.国家剧院排演的剧目隆重上演了。The Riverside Theatre is used to staging major productions.里弗赛德剧院用于上演大型演出。The show moves to London's West End after a month's run in Leicester's Gala Theatre.这个节目在莱斯特大剧院连演一个月之后移师伦敦西区上演The theater company will be putting on plays by Shakespeare this season.剧团将在本轮演出中上演莎士比亚的戏剧。We did 'Guys and Dolls' last year.去年我们上演了《红男绿女》。I am in hideous straits about the performance of a play of mine.我的剧本上演使我局促不安。Each year they stage a mock battle to entertain tourists.每年他们都上演一场模拟战以娱乐游客。The theatre will reopen next week with a production of Hamlet.剧院将在下周重新开放,并上演《哈姆雷特》。Their production of "Sweeney Todd" was the worst I've ever seen - it was a travesty.他们上演的《理发师陶德》是我看过的最糟糕的一个版本——太拙劣了。The play toured Europe after it premiered in Poland.在波兰首次公演后,这部戏剧在欧洲巡回上演I scored a hat-trick against Arsenal.我在与阿森纳队的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。It'll cost a lot of money to mount this play.上演这个剧本要花许多钱。The play was staged with immense success.该剧上演获得巨大成功。Plans are afoot to stage a new opera.上演一部新歌剧的计划正在酝酿之中。The girls write and produce their own plays.姑娘们自己编写剧本并上演I don't like the program. What's on the other station?我不喜欢这个节目。另外那个台在上演什么? Their church puts on an annual Christmas pageant.他们的教堂上演了一年一度的圣诞演出。




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