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词汇 born to
例句 Natalie was born to be a dancer.纳塔利是个天生的舞蹈家。The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves.这里所说的决定论信条坚称一些人天生就是奴隶。Was he born to be successful, or did he just luck out?是他命中注定会成功,还是仅仅交了好运?He was born to be a politician.他天生就是个政治家。She was born to teach. = She was born to be a teacher.她天生就适合做老师。She was born to succeed.她注定会成功的。A child with two heads and six fingers was born to a Yemenite woman yesterday. The monstrosity lived for one hour.昨天一名也门女子生下了一个长着两个脑袋六根手指的孩子。这个怪胎只活了一个小时便夭折了。He was born to an affluent family.他生在富裕人家。George was born to an enslaved African mother.乔治的母亲是个非洲奴隶。He was born to a shoemaker's wife in a small cottage.他出身于一所小村舍,母亲是鞋匠的妻子。The drug was shown to cause deformity in a high proportion of babies born to mothers taking it.经证明,服用这种药物的母亲生出的孩子有很大的比率是畸形的。The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves.决定论信条认为有些人天生就是奴隶的命。John had been put into a job that in fact he was born to do.约翰被选派去做一份他实际上天生就适合的工作。Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood, she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.她出身于过去好莱坞的名门,继承了当演员的家族传统。Willie Smith was the second son born to Jean and Stephen.威利·史密斯是琼和斯蒂芬生的第二个儿子。He led the girl on to believe that he was born to a noble family.他使那个姑娘误认为他是贵族出身。I think he was born to be editor of a tabloid newspaper.我觉得他天生就是当小报编辑的料。




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